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Air Box Mod updated

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Looks like a easy mod. may have to add this to the pile of things i want to do. wouldnt mind some extra power.

Just a question about this mod, since I have an MTX and speed isnt really what im looking for(except track speed). Is it still worth doing this mod? Will it do anything for me while creeping around boondocking round trees on a slope in 10mph :)
Im not sure i its been covered i could seem to see it...but the divider plate in my airbox cracked...do i just toss it out? will it run fine without that?
Im not sure i its been covered i could seem to see it...but the divider plate in my airbox cracked...do i just toss it out? will it run fine without that?
Just picked up a new /used air box(150 miles) to do the mod to and when opened it up white powder on the divider plate and can see the wear mark were others divider plate has cracked, is this something yamaha knows about and is it a potential problem even on stock sled
Just picked up a new /used air box(150 miles) to do the mod to and when opened it up white powder on the divider plate and can see the wear mark were others divider plate has cracked, is this something yamaha knows about and is it a potential problem even on stock sled
It is a issue stock or modded. Some of us glued it down and problem was eliminated. Before I did that I ran without after mine cracked. Honestly no difference felt and no clutching needed either way. Divider looks like it should help airflow but no difference felt. It also should help oil breather system work properly. Never tested that. I did not turn mine in for warranty since my box is modded but I should so Yamaha knows as should all who crack theirs.
Has anyone found their air box missing the plate/element its # 5 on the schematic. I mean I went to do the mod and it was not installed at all. Is this part integral to performance? I just ordered a new one anyway. I'm sick of begging my dealer to fix all the missing, leaking parts on my sled. I guess the real question is can I ride without this for a few days? We just got dumped on and I wanna go ride...Thanks in advance. I guess I already have 300 miles without it. Lol...
Has anyone found their air box missing the plate/element its # 5 on the schematic. I mean I went to do the mod and it was not installed at all. Is this part integral to performance? I just ordered a new one anyway. I'm sick of begging my dealer to fix all the missing, leaking parts on my sled. I guess the real question is can I ride without this for a few days? We just got dumped on and I wanna go ride...Thanks in advance. I guess I already have 300 miles without it. Lol...
If this is the part missing yes ride. That is what we have been calling the divider plate.
That's the part. Should have read to the end of the thread. But its definitely clear I need to keep an eye on the new one once I install it. Thanks again.
Did the mod yesterday, was pretty straight forward but I still managed to put 2 small holes in the frogzskin.. :dunno: Glued it but then my conscience said "Its not Worth it to not order a new one IF something happends" So I did.
If I would do it all over I would just order a new one right a way and then you dont need to be as careful :)
Now its just snow thats missing to test the new updates
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