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Another one bites the dust


Dec 17, 2008
chelmsford ontario canada
yes i did it i bent my subframe on my 09 nytro with 127 miles on it. the thing that really pisses me off if i cant even remember what i did it on because the bigest thing i hit with the skie was a stump sticking out of the snow about 3 inch on the side of the trail. i hit it with my skie and there was almost nothing in a bars and they where turned maby 15 degrees. so they only thing i can come up with is that my carbide dug in and its was just at that perfect weak angle and it bent. i wish i was atleast doing something stupid like i normally do and kit a tree or something so i would just not do it agen. i dont have any scratches on the a-arms or or the skies so im stumped. the spindle if tiped forward about 1/2 in so i gave it to the dealer and ill see if there gona do anything on warranty but its a 09 so i dont think they will.

i have one question. i want to the dealer today to get some stiffer springs for the rear skid and they told me that they dont have any and you cant get any. like how is this posible? i drive my sleds hard and im not light at 220 lb so i have bottomed out my sus pention like 10 times or more so i gota find something fast before i start jumping.

thnx for you time and for leting me vent a litle.

I can't believe they don't have any. Are they not the same as the 08's? What style of 09 do you have? Hell, Hauk had a set sitting on the shelf when I wanted mine changed out. I know the exchange rate isn't good, but you might be able to buy them from someone cheap down here like Highlands or Port, and have them ship them, Just an idea
Good luck
I bent my subframe on my 09 SE too! :o| Basically it was a washout on the trail, stopped, moved slowly down one side, ski jammed on the upslope and my ski was pointed inwards when I got out of the hole. A few miles per hour at best.

I took it in to the Dealer and the Yamaha rep came in and took pics and said it was the result of an impact, therefore not covered. It's a #$%&* "rough trail" snowmobile and it can't even handle a bump. How do the Snow Cross Racers actually survive a lap on these things, let alone the average Joe?

I don't think the updated 09 subframes are any better than last years and have a feeling that we'll see just as many bent frames as last year.

Now every time I ride I'll be checking my spindle after every little bump on the trails...nice rough trail sled huh?
"I took it in to the Dealer and the Yamaha rep came in and took pics and said it was the result of an impact, therefore not covered. It's a #$%&* "rough trail" snowmobile and it can't even handle a bump. How do the Snow Cross Racers actually survive a lap on these things, let alone the average Joe?"---Grimm

Funny you should ask how the SnowCross guys survive. I just watched the season premiere of SnowTrax TV & the entire episode was about the 2008-2009 ISOC SnoCross season & the race sleds.

They could not stress enough that our consumer sleds ARE NOT ANYTHING like the purpose built SnoCross sleds. In fact, they commented on how the FX Nytro's that Taylor & Hayden are racing are almost completely HAND FABRICATED!!!

I feel for you guys who have bent them by hitting something at just the perfect angle to F-things up. However the ones that have bent from bashing them playing racerboy, I don't feel for.
FxsX24 said:
there are a few guys running normal rtx in snox, at the time i talked to one of them he had a few races on it, and was placing in the middle of the pack, nothing about sub frames bending though

Not factory pros there isn't. Maybe semi-pro & the local yocals though.
Daranello said:
Sorry for a stupid question....How can you tell if your sub-frame is bent??? What do you look for?

There were two indicators on my sled; the a-arms were out of whack on both sides and the front "bumper" was twisted slightly relative to the body panels.
arteeex said:
Daranello said:
Sorry for a stupid question....How can you tell if your sub-frame is bent??? What do you look for?

There were two indicators on my sled; the a-arms were out of whack on both sides and the front "bumper" was twisted slightly relative to the body panels.

Thanks, I'll take a look at mine for grins and giggles
This whole thing sucks Cuz How are we supposed to ride these things like they are intended for............ Well Maybe not intended for but Ride them like We THOUGHT WE PAID 8 - 10 Thousand for. I honestly thought this was gwing to be the perfect sled for me but Clearly With Front ends Like these............... I think Ill give it to my 9 year old sister and go buy a 600 RR
Bent mine recently, but not much I can do about it cept report it to yamaha (which I did through dealer) and hope they listen. This comming off season, I may have to do some reinforcement, but oh well. She still rides straight, and from what I can tell its not doing me any damage. Not much to do but ride on.
Daranello said:
Sorry for a stupid question....How cant you tell your subframe is bent??? WHat do you look for?

Apart from noticing how the ski was toed in after the jarring, I could see that my right spindle was more vertical than the other. I rode it back to my cousin's garage and could feel the twitchiness that many an 08 rider endures.

After melting the snow off, check where the lower A arms mount to the subframe, on the 09s the reinforcement plate (plate with a circle cut out of it) was buckled slightly.

Compare/measure how the A arms may differ from one side to the other. Also, you can check to see if your shocks are somewhat centered in the A arms. If they are close to rubbing, then there is probably something bent, most likely the sub frame.

I took a prybar between the upper and lower A arms to bring the spindle back to an almost stock angle, but I can still see that the angle of my right side A arms are slightly set further back than the left.

I'm gonna ride it as is right now and see how everything holds up and if it doesn't, I'll probably disassemble it and have my Uncle do some strengthening with his magical welder.
