Anyone with a layout for Sidewinder wrap?


"The Burnman"
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Hessel, Michigan
Sidewinder, SR Viper XTX, SR Viper XTX, 2016 Apex XTX and Pro-Line Pro Stock 1000
Looking for the layout so I can again get my SW wrapped.

Or if anyone has any sled can be the guinea pig
Having wrapped my last two sleds, I was thinking about doing this one also.
Not seeing any templates yet or heard anything back from a few I emailed???
Just blacking out some of the grey on my own. Adding some orange also..
this is a little old but i just wrapped my Nytro this year and asked ArcticFX and they said they had 2 sleds waiting to come in for templates. i would say soon the Wraps will start to show up.
anyone see any wraps yet my buddy already has his thunder cat done and it looks good. i haven't seen anything for sidewinder except for curves wraps
My bro got his new LXR tunnel wrapped. Looks really good. Dealer offered it right when he purchased. So, there's gotta be an option for the sidewinder
My bro got his new LXR tunnel wrapped. Looks really good. Dealer offered it right when he purchased. So, there's gotta be an option for the sidewinder

Tunnel is the same as the viper....problem is the front plastics are different.
Still no options that I've seen, anyone else find someone offering them yet?
I pretty much decided that I would wrap it this summer or fall. As picky as I get when putting a wrap on it's just to much time during season. If it one thing I do not want to be rushed with install is wrap. But to answer your ? I have not seen much yet on templates and gave up this year. Sitting here watching tip ups. Cheers beerman
Looks like ArcticFx has one done, I would think it wont be long until they have them online

*Note, NOT my sled!!!

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Anyone else get a wrap yet? Esticky has a special right now for $430 that I'm really thinking about but still looking for ideas
Trench media out of Idaho does. Facebook page is best place to get ahold of him. He did all the 509 wraps in the past. Jaylen Reed is the dude. Good guy.
