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Apex Bulkhead Replacement Help Needed


Mar 22, 2022
Eden Prairie
2006 Yamaha Apex
I am looking at replacing the righthand side bulkhead on my sled. Had a little incident with a tree. I only want to remove and replace the one side. Can I get some tips on how to do this? For example, how to I get the bulkhead over the steering studs? I would really like to talk to someone who has done this before. Thanks Brian

I am looking at replacing the righthand side bulkhead on my sled. Had a little incident with a tree. I only want to remove and replace the one side. Can I get some tips on how to do this? For example, how to I get the bulkhead over the steering studs? I would really like to talk to someone who has done this before. Thanks Brian
You have to drill alot of rivets out, remove bulkhead as a assembly and then you can split the halfs for the removal of the steering and tie rods.
Thanks I was thinking that is what needs to be done. Any insight that you can share with me? I don't want to learn lessons the hard way if I can avoid it. Thanks again!!
Although it wasn't a bulkhead replacement, it was a front heat exchanger replacement, but my recommendation would be that if/when dealing with a bunch of rivets to install, an air riveter will be your best friend. Even though I only needed a 3/16" riveter, I went with the 1/4" air riveter from Harbor Freight for $75; the 3/16" was about $25 cheaper. Using an air riveter also results in a more tight/secure rivet.

Another thing, using Yamaha rivets for all of this will add up very quickly as they are expensive individually. I ended up purchasing some Avdel Stavex 0BS01-00618 Multi-GR Blind Rivet off ebay but I believe you can order them from Bay Supply, in other sizes as well, as I have read others doing the same since they weren't able to find them on ebay.
Thanks for the advice. I am going to buy a air riveter. What advantage does the 1/4" riveter have over the 3/16". I agree on the Yamaha rivets....very expensive. I purchased a 100 similar sized rivets off of Amazon for a fraction of the cost. Thanks for your help on this!
No advantage, per se, between the 1/4" and 3/16" riveter but if/when you ever need to rivet a 1/4" rivet and your air riveter can only go up to a 3/16" rivet, you may second guess your purchase. If you ever had to use a hand riveter to rivet a bunch of steel rivets, you will appreciate the fact that your air riveter can do that size; as well as all the smaller sizes the 3/16" air riveter offers. Since I was really only purchasing the air riveter for my task, I didn't want to limit myself with the tool I end up purchasing. Sort of like justifying my purchase and ensuring I can get maximum use out of it.
I understand....I have a hand rivet tool. Not wanting to use it. The air riveter is the way to go. I am going to get one before I do the job. Thanks again!
Take alot of pictures, secure the chassis on something I used jack stands, and have a way to lift or hold engine while the bulkhead is out. just take your time, its not that hard of a job.

I did mine with a 2 handed riveter.
Thanks.....I have the sled sitting on a platform that I built. Tell me more about how you lifted or held the engine while the bulkhead was out. Thanks for the encouragement.
I have a eye bolt in my rafters that I hook a chain pull too and a chain to the engine.

also, you might want to have A arm bushings on hand.
Thanks....I will have to figure the engine lifting out as I have the sled tore down in my enclosed trailer. You had to lift the engine so you can get the engine mounting bolts back in? How much will the engine drop when you take the bulkhead out? Sorry for all of the questions.

I did purchase "A" bushings for the damaged side. This sled only has 2,800 miles on it. Hardly used.
I dont know how far it would go, I secured it before I found that out. You will have to remove both front engine mounts.
Ok...I think that you are talking about the two front motor mounts that go through the bulkhead....right?
never strapped my brothers when we did it, but to be fair my youngest brother just grabbed the bulk head and put it into place. he could pick up an rx war sled rear with one hand when it was stuck.
