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Apex clutch kit - Worth it without studs?


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Houghton Lake, MI
I know, without studs you will not hook up nearly as solid, but will a clutch kit on an Apex without studs give you enough benefit to be worth the purchase?

I am looking at a clutch kit for increased acceleration and I will not add studs! Feel free to suggest your favorite clutch kit as well.
After your sled has about 1000 miles on it the stock clutching works incredibly well on hardpack snow
The stock clutching is that good or without studs it is pointless? Turk, the sled has 4,600 miles on it and yes it pulls awesome, but there is always that well maybe I can get there faster thing.....
Yes the stock clutching is that good plus without studs, even if it needed clutching, you would just sit and spin.

Ah yes, it's that time of year where we dream of ways to improve our sleds until they don't work anymore. LaLaLa

For my GT I'm going to try the '07 RTX gearing, upgrade the rear spring and shock valving and try the ski shimming trick before going to aftermarket skis.

Not real exciting but the sled is pretty damn good right out of the box.
The stock clutching is pretty good. It could withstand some minor tweaking.
Don't get me wrong, out of the box this sled is incredible! Just trying to think of ways to make it faster.
The only area I have observed clutch kits being superior to stock is out of the hole from a stop. When I did Roll on's with a clutched Attak I actually pulled away from him with my stock clutched Attak. From a stop he would leap ahead and then I would start to reel him in. I did have more miles on my engine at the time so it was probably a little looser. So with what I observed if you don't stud a clutched Apex/Attak you will simply set and spin :ORC
Don't clutch it if your not going to add traction.

Dan my sled got faster as the Miles added up. I'm going to be working on the from a roll issue the clutching had this winter. I think the secondary has to much twist on it and it can't upshift quick enough when you going from a roll. I've got a idea in my head on how to fix it we'll see if i'm right.
It all depends what you want to do. If you are looking for a snappier, more fun sled to ride in the trails. By all means clutch it. The backshift from a stocker compared to properly clutched is a pretty big difference. With adjustable weights you can adjust how aggressive it is in the initial shift and get a decent holeshot yet (on hardpack).
Srxspec said:
It all depends what you want to do. If you are looking for a snappier, more fun sled to ride in the trails. By all means clutch it. The backshift from a stocker compared to properly clutched is a pretty big difference. With adjustable weights you can adjust how aggressive it is in the initial shift and get a decent holeshot yet (on hardpack).

That is all I am looking for.... I just want to make sure the difference is big enough to be worth the decent amount of money and time that has to be spent on a kit.
