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Apex clutch shift out


Jan 10, 2006
My primary still has 1/2 inch or so to shift out,it looks like the secondary does not open all the way,or is it just me?if you would gear down would not the clutch shift out all the way?

you are correct. Your secondary will only shift so far as well as your primary. To acheive further shift out, you need to have your spider , clutch sheaves and split collars machined, and your stock helix...BBY
is it possible to post what you do to the primery clutch and where you machine it and the helix. and how much you take off
Micrometer, new belt, clutch puller, is all thats needed.

Disassemble clutch and take measurements yourself. Have local tool and die company complete the machine work.

Special machine set up is required. Standard
lathe will not complete this properly.
