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Apex clutch weight ????'s


Feb 7, 2008
Watertown, WI
I have a fairly stock Apex mtn - Camo ex. track, 18-42 gearing, undertunnel exhaust. I'm running the supertips weights and have finally started to be able to play around with them. Trying to get operating rpm dialed in. When I originally purchased the weights from Ulmer, he sent we the wrong ones, he sent me the 60g bases & for a n/a this is bit too heavy to start with. I started out with a bunch of weight on them and have been removing slowly to bring up my rpm. With just a bare 60g base weight I finally got to my target rpm. This is running the sled in Northern Michigan @ about 1000ft elevation. With just the bare 60g weight, I'm pulling 10,500rpm in the powder and 11,100 on the hardpark. Right about what I wanted.

Does this seem right? That weight seems really light to me. Could something else be wrong?
Now comes the real problem. What do i do when I go out west? I'm assuming I'm going to have to machine some weight off these things to get the weight down.

What are others running for weight on a n/a Apex mtn. with Supertips weights?

i run a 50g base supertip with a 7g tungsten insert at the base and 1g washer in the tip with a shockwave helix and stock springs in both the primary and the secondary.....at 7000ft hope this helps
Do you have the stock springs,rollers,helix in or did you put the sea level oem clutching in?
what #'s are on the helix?What color is primary and secondary spring.Everything is visable just taking off your beldt guard.
