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Apex Engine Gone...rebuilt and rebuilding again ughhhh!

stoutner said:
lakercr said:
Where are you at with this now??

I've got the 5 new valves coming in on Monday. The valve seats have a couple of small dings in them also. Other than replacing the head, anything I can do about that?

Take the head to a good machine shop and get them to look at it. Most likely then can make it better for you.

Wayne, just got back from OF.
Found out they aren't kidding about the 20 mph snowmobile speed limit on Big Moose Rd... Radar, Ouch!

Amy was working at the Glenmore...

Anyhow, if those dings in the seats aren't too deep, you can have them machined / cut because they are hardened inserts. Worse case a good shop could machine them out and replace them.

That Polarass was sweet ! It was pretty fun holding that throttle to the bar all day trying to keep up with the guys. It made for a bit of a challenge but they couldn't lose me until we got on the lakes.


Did they give you a ticket? If so, that sucks. Never got one up there even though I got pulled over twice the weekend of the race for riding without a helmet. Both times I got pulled over I was just moving my sled less than 100 yards and both times a cop happened to be there. Also, both times I was on Big Moose Rd.
Wayne, Yup we all got tickets.
I only pulled over for the cop waving us in, thought it was a regi / permit check point. He was on a skidoo freestyle parked in the middle of the road and would have blew by him had I known, but good thing because I didn't see the cop chasing us, trying to catch up, on a MachZ with pretty little blinking lights...
But because we were cool with them, they only wrote us for 53 mph after stating we were over 4x the speed limit.

