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Apex vs F7 and 600 fusion


Sep 14, 2007
Nova Scotia, Canada
I just got a Apex GT. MY racing friends say they will run over me with there F7 and 600 Fusion, They both have mods done to there sleds, reeds, box, pipe blowen out. All I done so far is gear down to 23 and add a :yam: 1'5 inch staggered track

The 1.5" track will hurt you top speed a little because its a slightly heavier track and because you have all those lugs cutting through the air.
You should be able to beat the Fusion 600 pretty easily, the race with the Cat would probably be a close one though.
For those who have raced a F7 cat. Do you normally beat them. I am completly stock with ice ripper track and my friend withe the F7 is stock, with 153 studs and his is the sno pro. He jumps out early about 2 lengths and then it is even from there to wherever we race. So he beats me everytime. How are you guys doing against the F7?
Well...I have both a Apex and a 2005 F7. Both are stock but the big difference is the wife on the F7 she is about 125lbs less than I am. We ran the sleds a bunch of times now and its very close each time. Its a coin flip. When we raced...it seems the colder it is out and the harder the surface is the Apex would win. On our last trip to Canada last season...it was warm out and the conditions were slushy the Apex would not beat the F7...they were neck and neck but the F7 started to pull away the longer we went. We put my brother on her F7 to even out the weight and we traded wins...again it was very close.

Top end out on the lake...I was shocked when the F7 would slowly creep by the Apex.

I have also raced my brothers stock 2003 F7 from a dead stop and from a rolling 15-20mph start and in each race the Apex won by a sled length.

Taking away nothing from the Apex...the F7 is a fast sled. It hooks up out of the hole and runs strong.
i raced an 06 f7, long lake run.... he would jump out on me by a sled or two, but top end the long legs of my attak would slide by him every time.
I've never beat an F7 - even a stock one - with my Attak. I usually pull it off the line by a several lengths, then at about 100 yards, the F7 goes by and keeps on going, usually staying ahead on the top end by 100 feet or so. I'm 260# with gear, so I suspect that's a detrimental factor, but probably not the determining one.
My Warrior gets it's a$$ kicked by my bud's F-7, but he's 170 I'm 230, I would guess you would be closer than me. Watch out the one thing the F does good is go fast.
that 1.5 track is going to kill your top end..

Stock for stock the apex is 1-2 sled lengths quicker than a F7.. ( i ride with 4 different F7s) 03s are very fast, 05s are fast, but not as fast as 03s.. the snopro has a better hole shot, and the standard has better top end.. but usually not enough to catch the snopro because of how much better its hole shot is..

the apex should kill the 600..

weight is definitly a factor... if you are 300lbs you are going to get killed.. if you are 150lbs you will win every time..

you guys have to take into account that your weight affects your clutching and how it works..
