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Attack 1 - Coyote 0


Lifetime Member
Apr 14, 2003
Just came back from the UP. Just went up for another day of testing with 1 buddy. Parked in Ironwood and rode 140 miles up to calumet for dinner and then back down. Right at the turn off to Goegebic by the Hoop & Hollar a coyote runs out and nails the side of my buddies sled, we running 80+ and I was in his dust. The thing bounces off his sled and comes flying back nailed him with the left Simmons with twin 8" carbides and then under the track. I got good air off the deal and he now down't use air. I thought it was a deer at first but just a coyote. No Camera with and no knife to take the tail. Well the wolves will eat good tonight.

Anyhow - snow was perfect, trails like glass and only passed about 7 sleds in 280 miles and got the clutch fine tuned go back up on saturday and start working on limeter strap and control rod. Ye Ha

Yeah I'm jussssst fine - quite an adrenaline rush. I was whistling in my helmet but coyote could not hear it. Running a gutted pipe and he didn't even hear that.
maybe you were going faster than your willing to admit and you were out running the speed of sound?
Admit Heck! I was running at warp speed & I kept hearing Scotty saying I'm giving her all she's got captian the dilithium crystals are melting :die

I just see a new episode where Wiley buys a sled and it comes in an ACME crate, of cours the roadrunner is on a Yammi. Nothing but an outline of a coyote in the snow bank. Beep Beep!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're fortunate. I was over in the Munising area the first weekend of December this year and broadsided a deer with my Apex, did about $500-$600 worth of damage.
marq said:
You're fortunate. I was over in the Munising area the first weekend of December this year and broadsided a deer with my Apex, did about $500-$600 worth of damage.

Yeah I have had my issues with deer to but never that much damage. Last year one jumped clear over me and never touched me. As far as the speed thing goes I have had more trouble at 30 mph with animals than 90. And if I would have been going faster I would have missed the coyote.
Yamadog said:
Admit Heck! I was running at warp speed & I kept hearing Scotty saying I'm giving her all she's got captian the dilithium crystals are melting :die

I just see a new episode where Wiley buys a sled and it comes in an ACME crate, of cours the roadrunner is on a Yammi. Nothing but an outline of a coyote in the snow bank. Beep Beep!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL!! That's awesome! :Rockon:
Yep its like riding a bike - a bit rusty but it all comes back and with a little imagination the tuning forks on the hood make good cross :die hairs
I smoked a rabbit two winters ago. No match for my Apex... My buddy was right behind me and there was a huge cloud of fur. It was like it was right out of a movie.
So that's why the Easter bunny hasn't shown last 2 yrs.

Apex-1 Bunny 0 I think we should mark our kills like the old fighter pilots did. Maybe a ski-don't with a line through it.
