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Bad Oil leak - Mystery solved

I really hope you find the root cause. Years ago I had a stud go thru front heat exchanger on my 97 Vmax 700. I laid sled on side, dried off coolant, used propane torch to heat up/dry area. Gooped up some JB weld, can't remember exactly what it was labeled, maybe marine use, not sure, but was JB weld, supposed to stick if wet or not and was for use gas/coolant/oil type leak situations. Worked fine for 3 years, didn't leak. Hope this helps.
Got it running! Same leak....:die
Man that’s horrible all that work!Does the water pump have a weep hole?hard to tell from pic,most water pumps use a mechanical seal inside the water pump,if it has a weep hole is it possible the mechanical seal inside the pump is bad&coolant is coming out of the weep hole?
Man that’s horrible all that work!Does the water pump have a weep hole?hard to tell from pic,most water pumps use a mechanical seal inside the water pump,if it has a weep hole is it possible the mechanical seal inside the pump is bad&coolant is coming out of the weep hole?
i looked&it has the mechanical seal,they are usually ceramic &in auto&truck these are usually why water pumps leak


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It’s actually leaking oil not coolant. Going to take it out for a run and see how bad it leaks and if I can just add oil each morning or not.

It’s actually leaking oil not coolant. Going to take it out for a run and see how bad it leaks and if I can just add oil each morning or not.

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Oh my bad sorry should have paid more attention,good luck mines slowly coming together &hope to not have any issues
Went out for less then a mile and oil everywhere. Im throwing in the towel until summer. I’m thinking its a cracked block that opens up under pressure or something. Really a bummer but this sled will get a new full re-build this summer!

Just googled it. You are 8.5 hours away from me. Which means in less than 24 hour you could have a good known block. Swap out the piston and you are good to go. :sled1:
Looking at getting back on this, I do have a new motor on the way but I would like to diagnose this better so when I pull it I know if I can sell it, part it out or what. I have started it and loaded it on the trailer multiple times this summer not a drop, as soon as I get over 6K and into some boost it actually sprays oil from a unknown source over there. NO oil is mixing with the coolant that was clean. I can't find any cracks on the case, or the water pump. Completely stumped!

Anyone have an idea to test before I render the sled un-usable and yank it?
Looking at getting back on this, I do have a new motor on the way but I would like to diagnose this better so when I pull it I know if I can sell it, part it out or what. I have started it and loaded it on the trailer multiple times this summer not a drop, as soon as I get over 6K and into some boost it actually sprays oil from a unknown source over there. NO oil is mixing with the coolant that was clean. I can't find any cracks on the case, or the water pump. Completely stumped!

Anyone have an idea to test before I render the sled un-usable and yank it?

I was out testing a turbo Apex a bunch of years back and had the day cut short by an oil leak. On this sled it was the fitting on the crankcase that the oil return hose clamps to. The fitting itself had come out of the block (I guess it is just a press fit from factory). Anyway, I cleaned up the fitting/case and put it back in with some red loctite, and the sled has been fine ever since. This is a bit different than your issue (one time failure vs. repeatable failure) and confidence is low that it's your problem, but still something you can look at that probably hasn't been checked yet.
you could check and see if the oil filter gasket has one stuck on from the time before...I had 2 oil filter gaskets on and it sprayed oil just like you describe and the picture looks...its worth a check. Joe
Thanks Jim, I will try to find that fitting. I have a brand new oil filter on it and triple dog checked the O ring. Could a cracked block spray oil over there? There is literally no hoses or anything that contain oil. So bizarre!

I do appreciate the help and suggestions!!
most likely the weep hole for the coolant to indicate the seals have failed.
