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VIP Member
May 28, 2003
UP of Mich..near Wetmore
I have about 1100 miles on 04 Warrior..STOCK except for M10..{ I know hard to believe].. rode 300 miles on trip to Big Bay on Mon/Tues and started to notice a vibration in handlebars / then foot rests and finally seat...Went away above 40 MPH and was BAD at idle.. I thought it was ice in the track or who knows..

Got it back to shop and after thawing out.. cked it out ...still very bad.. removed primary clutch and just as bad.. it will put you hands to sleep from idle to 5500-6000.

Checked motor mounts and all bolts on frame.. Yamaha says '' never heard of it before"... 3 dealers say same thing...Called Justin and Terry at Bender and they also said they have never seen a balance/ vibration problem with an RX1 motor.

It has not lost any performance... have been over the whole motor with a stehescope and no strange sounds..

Strange thing.. the motor itself has very LITTLE vibration.. but the oil tank, frame, handle bars, and seat really rock...weird

I am at a loss for ideas.. HELP



:cry: :cry:

It's your key chain hitting the shroud.

Now to get serious. Ride it, and ignore the vibration. When you can't take it anymore, you can ride mine. That way, we can double the miles we rode together this season (50).
Bad vibes

I have a 136 M-10 on my 03 RX-1. If you run your track too tight you will feel a slight vibration at slow speeds. The reason it goes away at high speed is that the track has a chance to balloon a little and the rail tips don't jam into the track clips as much. You may need to shorten the limiter strap one hole or a half hole. This will change the skid angle and also stop the rails form slappind the track clips. That is probably the vibration that you're feeling. If that don't help just don't go slow anymore. Slims427
So you are saying with the belt off, there is no vibration? Must be in the drive/track. Elsewhere here some have lost the jackshaft bearing. Have you looked at the secondary, belt drivers, track? Seems like that has to be the source.
Let us know.
Thanks for the replys... I must not have stated the situation right.. The vibration is there..on the jackstand.. with the primary clutch REMOVED.. It is a motor vibration..not a drive train or track problem...just as bad with the rear end raised and primary clutch on or off.. vibration is same whether track is being turned or stopped..
Yamadoc check this: I was looking through a new Motorcycle catalog and found a new product (well I never seen it before) It's called the "BAR SNAKE" and this is what the write up states: The BAR SNAKE deadens vibration that plagues all dirt bikes and most street bikes. The special rubber compound absorbs and dampens out most of the high frequency vibration, that causes numbing and painful hand irritation. Finally a product that really works! :D
Part # is ST-1 for 23/32" internal diameter steel bars for $25.99
Competition Accessories .com Tel: 800-543-8204
I would be willing to bet its an exaust problem possibly your pipes touching the frame or tunnel?
hey yamadoc ive got the same vibration in mine-
ive tried with the clutch off-feel it about 4000 then 6000 then at 8000 rpms
all of the sudden 1 morning when i started it i felt this vibration-ive got about 2500 miles on it and its been ok till now-i suspect a bearing in the gear reduction-what do ya think?
Have a Warrior too . I have a similar vibration/noise .

Here's my take : Between 25 and 40mph , the pipes ,the track/slides and hum of the engine come close to matching, not only vibs ,but it's loud , to me anyway.
Actually, what's happening is they are reaching a harmony . The pipes are the bass , the track is a perfect 5th over and the engine is a full octive , seriously. Now for you musicians out there ,you know three part harmonys can increase the volume way over single voices all at there own non matching frequency . Laugh if you'd like , but I've studied this for 1200 miles , I 'm a musician and I'm very confident this is correct.
What did I do ? Inreased my secondary tension to 6+1 and now the engine and pipes are at a slightly different frequency (the rpm's are higher). It' s better but not best .I also plan to use graphite hyfax as they're softer and quieter.
hey joe howard-
this vibe is standing still just revving the engine with the primary clutch actually off the machine--you can feel this vibe in the whole machine when revved up on the gound or when riding
Dam I wrote all that for nothing?? At least tell me you know what I'm talking about . Heck , I've been dying to tell someone my theory anyway. Sounds like your dealer should get that motor out and ripped down , must be balance problem somewhere.
Hey Doc, This vibration thing isn't anything like the banging sound inside your helmet is it? :lol: (you need to hear the story) I know your carbs are well sync'd and everything is tuned to perfection so it seems that it would have to be either internal motor problem or something structural has let loose? Good luck, I hope you can find the culprit. And thanks for the use of your shop & carb sync @ the TY ride and I still owe you a bottle of dry gas.....Craig
joe howard-
i liked your theory-i understand your point and appreciate all that typing ya did!!
im still convinced that the bearing in the gear reduction is bad and thats the vibration
yamadoc, dynarex,
Sounds like your problems are similar. Can you confirm you don't have a dead or weak cylinder. Disconnect one plug wire at a time and connect a spare plug to wire (for a spark path). RPM drop should be about the same for each. Done a compression check? All four carb slides opening?

joe howard,
I think you and I are chasing the same problem. See my post near top of Other Tech. For example At 4800 rpm and at 23mph the exhaust pulses and track lugs arriving at sprocket are at 160 cps. At around this frequency I am getting a chassis resonance or acoustic resonance. For example the engine compartment acting like a base reflex.
