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Belt slipping, need help


Jan 6, 2009
Duluth, MN
Currently in the UP on a snowmobile trip. First day out riding today and my XTX began to shred a belt so we stopped and through my spare on. Ever since the belt has been slipping and smoking. Any ideas on what could be causing this? I confirmed it's the right serial number and is on the right way.

How many miles on clutchs? I just had the same issue with a lot of miles on my clutches. If I went over 3/4 throttle belt would slip. I replaced bushing in movable sheeve, cover bushing and the six spider bushings in the primary clutch. All had wear on them and would not allow clutch to open and close smoothly. This cured my issue.
Mine has more than twice that in miles. You could have cords stuck in your clutches from blown belt. I would pull primary cover off and check it. And make sure nothing stuckin secondary.
Is your plastic skid plate still there below engine? I have seen those fall off and tons of snow gets in clutches then.
When is it slipping and smoking, at startoff, higher speeds, or all the time? Is the belt sitting properly on your secondary? it should be very close to even with the top of the sheve(edge).
Usually at higher RPM going through deeper snow. Belt is seated properly on the secondary. It's just strange because the first belt this morning wasn't slipping at all. Although that's the 2nd belt I've blown in 2 seasons which is really strange for a Nytro. I put on a 2" Challenger track last season but I wasn't aware I needed to do anything to the clutches.
Are you running stock gearing still? Having the same issue but just seems like it slipping an revs high when trying to lay the power down. Jus swapped to 1.75
Just thought I'd update you guys on the real issue, somehow I lost my skid plate on the first day of riding (pos plastic rivets). Now it's time to order an aftermarket plate. Any recommendations?
