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TY 4 Stroke Guru
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
For the guys that run the ripshaws last year with the 1.325 studs. how many used the big nuts? and if so the .500 talls or the .750 talls. I was going to use the .750 woodys But I see the recommmend the 1/2 inch. I was wondering why the 3/4 still are on the treads and still leaves the point to penatrate.I would think the longer the more support they would give. Just wondering if anyone else has run into this? :o|
I was wondering the same thing, but will the taller nuts add more weight or are they alluminum?
i used them on mine and they work great, they are lighter and add more strength to the stud IMO because they are taller. I have 1700km on mine with no issues what so ever. They will be used on the apex.
Snowaholic said:
i used them on mine and they work great, they are lighter and add more strength to the stud IMO because they are taller. I have 1700km on mine with no issues what so ever. They will be used on the apex.
Did you use the .500 or the .750. ???
I called Woody's and asked them this question. Because the studs are only threaded so far down the taller nuts would leave a space between the stud and the nut. They were concerned snow and ice would get in the gap. Personally, I do not see what harm that would do, but this is the reason they gave me. They said the shorter tall nuts were more than sufficient. Give them a call - they are more than willing to help you.
rx-1erlimitededition said:
They said the shorter tall nuts were more than sufficient. Give them a call - they are more than willing to help you.
So, the .500 were the sufficient ones? Also, what is everyone using for backers? Aluminum ones that is.. I never used the nylon ones, so I'm not sure how strong they are. I heard they break easy.
So, the .500 were the sufficient ones? Also, what is everyone using for backers? Aluminum ones that is.. I never used the nylon ones, so I'm not sure how strong they are. I heard they break easy.
forget the nylon backers I tryed them with the gold diggers and before the stud would pull into the track the nut would run right into the backer. I then got the woodys backers .
I put 2000 plus mls on 05 rx-1 with 144 megabites tall nuts ,some very minimal snow here in ny. Didn't bend any studs no probs. of any kind .Woody's double angle backer. Gonna start with 120 in the apex and see if they will do the job. :yam:
I just studded my Attak last night 1.40 SS studs, Woody's round alum plates and Woody'S Big Nuts .500. The nuts are lighter than the steel nyloc type, but the sweetest part was that I was able to tighten down the nuts without ever using an allen-wrench on the back side of the studs. :Rockon:
Bodacious said:
I just studded my Attak last night 1.40 SS studs, Woody's round alum plates and Woody'S Big Nuts .500. The nuts are lighter than the steel nyloc type, but the sweetest part was that I was able to tighten down the nuts without ever using an allen-wrench on the back side of the studs. :Rockon:
So with the Aluminum .500 nuts, they don;t have the nyloc on them. Do you need to use RED loctyte or any for that matter? Won't they loosen off?
The woodys come with a lock washer all other brands come with out you have to lock tight. woodys says use the .500 on 1.325 studs and smaller and the .750 on 1.40 studs and bigger. I still think you could use the .750 on the 1.325 studs .It would come to the top of the treads, all the other companys recomand this. I would thik it would be stronger yet ,Just wonder if anyone has done it with the woodys
I've got over 6,000 miles with the standard nuts and only have damaged two studs so far. ;)! Are the longer nuts worth the extra money? :shock:
