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Billet wheels on Rx1 mountain


May 1, 2003
Has anyone put 8inch billet wheels on their RX1 mountain,I tried to install them on mine and they wont fit,I purchased the axel kit that was suppose to allow you to put 8inch wheels on,but they fit way too tight.Could it be that I just had a new track put on and it needs to streatch a little?


billet wheels on rx 1

I have 8" wheels on my RX mountain. What track are you using. you have to move the axle position ahead .75" and up approximately .25" Does that axle kit do that for you?
Hi Robbie
I bought a set of your 8" billets for the rear of my RX1 with a 151. Can I just bolt them on or do I have to do those mods too? Dave sounded like I could just bolt them on as long as I stayed with 8 tooth extraverts.
162 Artic track

That is a 162" Artic Cat track. Treewacker, if you put 8" wheels on your sled without modifying the axle slot, the wheels will extend about .125" below the hifax.
Wow, with all the chrome on that sled in the pic, I could swear it needed to ben in one of those rap videos!!! it's sweet looking!
deerlodge said:
Im using the stock drivers


i wasn't expecting that....hmmm .... you would think that they would fit because we put 9t drivers in and still managed to put the stock skid back in, even if it was with only 7" rear wheels.... the fit was a little tight mind you.... so maybe you're right about the track needing to stretch....

right now can only get 2" of sag with the axle fully forward.... i dont think i could fit 8" in with the 9T.... but would sure like to at some point...
8" wheels

Where are you getting the wheels? I have had a set on order from Mtn. Perf for almost 3 weeks. They said they were in stock, but it doesn't take 3 weeks to get here from there. :roll:
