Blown fuse

Oct 7, 2016
Reaction score
Loudon, NH
Sidewinder STX-DX 2017
Apex XTX 2012
I had a blown hand and thumb warmer fuse while ridding last weekend and I am curious if anyone else has experienced this? I . replaced the 20A fuse and was good for about 4hrs tlater blown again. I thenreplaced with A 30A for that was all I had . The warmers are still good after 8 hrs of ridding . Sled is going to the dealer soon but any heads up would be great!

If 20amp fuse is the spece'd fuse I wouldn't run a 30 in that circuit. Get a few 20amp fuses and replace when needed or just deal with frozen hands, that 30 could possibly cause a lot of issues becouse something wants to trip the 20amp that the 30 will not trip and that could result in burnt or melted wires.
Did your helmet visor cord short out on the frame at some point? same circuit.
Did your helmet visor cord short out on the frame at some point? same circuit.

I mistakenly had that happen last season. I noticed that the Backup Alarm, Dash Pod and tailight were also out. Replaced the 20A fuse and continued on. Once back home I changed the length and location of my visor cord.

Did not realize that the hand and thumb warmer were also on that same circuit?
Did your helmet visor cord short out on the frame at some point? same circuit.
I like your thought but I run my shield through the cigarette 12v jack. The jack must be on a different circuit because I pulled the fuse and still power to the 12V jack.

Good thought but ruled out at this point.
My sled started blowing hand/thumb warmer fuses a few weeks ago. I've replaced the 20Amp fuse 3 times now. I thought the heated shield might be causing it, but the last time I blew a fuse I wasn't even using the heated shield. There has to be a short in the wiring somewhere. Don't know how I'm going to find it. I think I'll have to get the dealer to have a look unless anyone has any suggestions.

2015 SR-Viper STX-DX
Did your helmet visor cord short out on the frame at some point? same circuit.
Exactly! The wife had that happen once on the 18 RTX 50th. I replaced the 20 Amp fuse, asked her go be more careful when unplugging her helmet and problem solved.
My sled started blowing hand/thumb warmer fuses a few weeks ago. I've replaced the 20Amp fuse 3 times now. I thought the heated shield might be causing it, but the last time I blew a fuse I wasn't even using the heated shield. There has to be a short in the wiring somewhere. Don't know how I'm going to find it. I think I'll have to get the dealer to have a look unless anyone has any suggestions.

2015 SR-Viper STX-DX
Hi. Did you ever find the issue. ? Same thing happens to me this past weekend on 2014 viper new to me. Looking for assistance before I have to rip everything apart
Have this issue on my 2020 ltx gt with heated seat. Blew 20a fuse and replaced. Worked for 10 miles blew again. Hand, seat, thumb warmers and helmet visor plug all on same circuit. Mine is bad seat heater. Took off seat and disconnected seat heater and no more blown fuses and everything else working. Been waiting on replacement sest heater for over 1 month and will be covered under YES extended warranty.
