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Boost problem 270 mcx nytro


Feb 19, 2011
Neilburg, Sk. Canada
Ok, so here's the deal.... Had a 270 nytro built, rode it at 2000 ft and got a consistant 12 psi, took it to 6000 ft and got a consistant 14psi. Tightened my waste gate rod a total of 8.5 turns(then it bottomed out) and it only came up to 16psi at 6000 ft. When I returned to 2000 ft I gave it a quick test just to see what changed there and I got 23 psi. Do I have a leak somewhere? I am new to the sled and am not sure where to start.

We had problems with that. Yours might not be hooked up right. What's your location? Please update your info
It seemed like the tcv changed my boost levels between 2000 ft and 6000 ft similar to what it should have, it was just low on boost on both ends, so I cranked the waste gate rod in and it only seemed to change it drastically at 2000 ft, about 11psi more at 2000 ft and only 2 or 3psi at 6000 ft.
We just disconnected ours and did it manually. Where the wastegate rod is set is your base setting for boost. Set it at lowest elevation for the reccommended boost level. By cranking that in changed all your base settings. So even if you put in a boost controller right now and cranked it all the way down at low elevation your base boost level would be at 23 lbs. boost. I don't think your sled can take much of that. It sounds like it was working right until you cranked on the wastegate rod. It creates more boost for the loss of power in the higher elevation you go.
I'll try a manual boost controller. As for the wires for the tcv I believe I can just cut them and leave them unhooked, is this correct? Also which boost controller do you guys use? I have had some people telling me to go with a Hallman controller.
The TVC can only increase boost. 0.1Bar for each 1000meter
If your snow filter is clogged you will get a big drop in psi boost.
If you bootom out your wasegate rod and drive with it you will blow your engine!
Definately not a plugged intake filter issue. If the tcv compensates 0.1 bar/1000m then it was working correctly. I was just low on boost at both elevations. That's why I tightened the waste gate rod-my salesman told me that for every 1 turn tighter it should give about 1 psi more boost.
If you don't understand it, don't start turning things. Don't need a boost controller. The tcv is working correctly. Go to low elevation, 1.unplug tcv 2. set base boost with wastegate rod 3. plug tcv back in 4. leave it alone. The tcv will take care of elevation changes.

Follow those guidelines and you'll get some miles out of it
Personally i have been experiencing some problems with the TCV valve on my MCX kit. (That means.. I think it is the TCV).

It seems to freeze up and then stop adjusting the boost. I'm gonna move it closer to the exhaust and try it some miles like that and see if it works..

Where is your TCV valve placed ?
In a very bad spot next to the turbo and it usually would get full of snow. We don't do much elevation changes so another reason to disconnect.
The same place as mine i guess.. I'll try to move it and see if it gets better. Some days it seems to work great, and some days I get too low boost all day (like if it was frozen..)

I ride from 400 meters to 1500 meters so the TCV should adjust at least 2 psi if Im not totally wrong..
DO you have a block off plate under your turbo? I found that it made a huge improvment on snow build up/ice and less problems! i can get the dimentions for a nytro plate if you guys would like :Rockon:
