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Broken Link? - Actually the pivot arm cross shaft destroyed

The thing is the Phazer suspension works awesome when its not broke.I am not convinced the Hygear setup will be up to par since it basicly disables the link.They say it is like Polaris and AC but even those use a link similar to ours for the rear shock.Others with the Hygear kit say it works great.So there is risk either way.
Going custom

Aaron Excell is going to take care of me - what a great guy at Excell Motorsports! Didn't get any help from yamaha. He's going to weld supports onto my spare pivot arm and beef up my link. Much much much much cheaper than upgrading to the 08 link and arm. He said he hasn't seen one break after doing his mods. He couldn't fix my broken pivot arm so now I don't have a spare laying around just in case. Hopefully it will hold.
Well, I finally did it! I thought that you guys breaking your skids must have been really beating on them.... guess not. My upper control arm/pivot arm finally cracked! Just came from the dealership... guess I'm getting that update kit under warranty!

Did you guys get that rain a week ago?Really made all the drifts and snow hard as a rock.Great test of all the 08 stuff.Still holding.
Yeah I was having issues at the beginning of the season steering, so I moved my limiter strap up one, and I had moved it when i bought it. So this was a total of two holes i moved up. I then noticed on Dec 26th 2008 I heard something in the rear end and looked into it and found the lower part of the center shock rubbing the track a little and when pushing down on the back suspension that it felt funny. And on jan 4th went up to silver bay MN and bout 30 miles into the trails on some studder bumps I noticed a knocking feeling through my feet, stopped and looked and saw nothing wrong. The trail got bumpier and funner and then I stopped after about 3 miles cause I knew something was wrong and sure as heck I could push and bottom it out and it would spring back like no shock was left. I thought I blew the rear shock out. Took it into Settes in Owatonna MN and got the call today that I broke the cross member between the center and rear shock. They ordered a new part and it has a new part number then the original, so we are assuming its stronger. Within the next few days they should have it torn all apart and find out if the shocks are still ok or anything else bent. I was told I caused this cause I had the limiter strap to high, and my track didnt sit level. The center shock wasnt getting any beating. I also burned through my slides too. I have put on 510 miles so far this year.
I bought my base model '07 as a leftover, but brand new, last year in the first week of February. So, my sled is being covered under the original warranty. My dealer is ordering the upgrade mentioned above, it is part # 90891-50149-00. My understanding is that the kit contains the updated upper pivot arm as well as the upgraded aluminum link, etc... I'll post more once the kit comes in and I have a chance to check it out.

For those of you who have had this problem, but where it completely failed, where you able to limp the sled home? I caught mine early so I'm debating if I should ride it as is this weekend? I'm thinking I might be ok if I take it easy?
After mine broke completely, I had 28 to 30 miles back to the hotel via MN State Trail. I kept it at no faster then 18 mph, and I made it...
Just weld it for now.I would not ride without fixing it.You could end up pulling the bolts for the shaft it pivots on right through the rails or bend your shock shafts.
Well it should be done today, new slides and updated part cross member part. And the dealer is putting the limiter strap at factory setttings (2 places down) and said it should be fine... I will let people know what happens.
Ok its bac and the part number used was 8GC-47416-01-00 "Bracket 2" is the description. Hope to ride tomorrow and all weekend and see what happens.
