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Chalk up another busted Phazer V2.0

I hear ya...but I consider the Earth something to hit...a crossed up landing has messed up fronts before. And crossing ditches. It's kinda funny, years ago on a PRS Doo (87) a bud was so careful to cross this ditch, once he got the front down, and juiced it to get out, the front of the cowl (no bumpers on those old Formulas) actually hit the other side of the ditch and smashed to bits!!!! Couldn't believe it happened.

I jump my phazer mountain as high as I can. I have had it 8 ft in the air but always in powder and never bent a part. The sencond ride even I rode in Illinois and hit a covert and sheered off the a-arm bolt, Bent both a arms, bent the shock. Ovaled out the bolt hole. Parts were going to be 650 bucks and I said screw that. I put the parts in a vice and hooked a come-along to a fork truck and yanked that stuf back to straight. I took measurements after reassemble and got it within 1/4 inch. I only had to buy the long upper through bolt and nut. I have put 600 miles and at least 100 jumps with no more issues. I inspect the front end every morning before riding so I don't kill myself. Just bend the parts back and ride the hell out of it. I used to buy new all the time but not anymore. I bend them back till I break something. To much money for all that crap. Just be safe and inspect your parts so you know what you have going on at all times. Those a arms are aluminum and tougher than I ever though they could be. When you bend them bach, don't smack them with a hammer. put them in a vice and put alot of tension and than with a friend tug swiftly to tweek them where you need it, not all that hard.
ouch. not nice. but like the others said, i dont see any obvios damage from a hit on there.
Tell Yamaha and the dealer there was a service bulletin for the caster nuts on the A-arms. If the nut got loose maybe the excessive play and looseness of the bolt is making them shear-off. I would argue that case to them especially because there is a service bulletin on this problem. Plus, no impact marks. My two-cents!
with just the pics u gave us it is apparent there was no collision. you would have a nicked or scratched arm or something. thats some bs. you got milked for all those other parts as far as im concerned, half werent even needed. i guess ill be going to get hardened bolts adding red loc tight and replacing mine.
bent a-arm

same thing happened to my sled-only it was like that when i bought it!(found sheared bolt in bellypan while diagnosing starter issue)being a welder;i heated &straightened it best i could.will replace after season.i can actually notice the difference in spindle angle!i would check the other arms too;as i believe my upper is also bent
Sorry but you had to hit something to do that kind of damage to the shock shaft. I have had My Phazer 15 feet in the air on a regualr basis and never broke anything like that. I have hot some stuff with it and yes then it shears bolts. Pound it straight and weld a plate(washer) on the frame and put a new lower a-arm on it. Pretty quick easy fix
Ha ya its old!I think some get used to the feeling of bottoming out alot and then when something breaks they dont think the hit was bad.Everytime I bend or break something on front I knew it was a hard hit and looked for broke or bent parts.Good suspension saves parts.Sometimes such as trees or sharp holes even that isnt going to help.
cannondale27 said:
Ha ya its old!I think some get used to the feeling of bottoming out alot and then when something breaks they dont think the hit was bad.Everytime I bend or break something on front I knew it was a hard hit and looked for broke or bent parts.Good suspension saves parts.Sometimes such as trees or sharp holes even that isnt going to help.

Tree's rocks me.... never LOL!!! Like this rock... that one did some damage


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