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Charging A Rage

jsa3107 said:
I was just wondering the best way to charge the battery in a 2005 rage
I found that my rage had a dead battery yesterday
I located the 2 leads that Yamaha puts there to jump it but the ends are covered with rubber
So how does it work?
thanks for any help....

All these posts and no one answered his question!

- jsa3107 open your hood and find the red and black leads for jump starting your sled.
- Now pull on the rubber ends and stretch it out you will see there is a slit in the rubber where you can expose the lead contact.
- Get a 2 amp trickle charger and hook it up RED to + (pos) and Black to - (neg)
- leave it charge for a minimum of 48 hrs even a week wont hurt it.
That is it you are done!

Nattydread said:
I have left my battery tender on my sled for the past two months 24/7 (connected to the two leads), it is a Deltran Battery Tender plus, is this good and safe practice?

Yes only I would of bought the Optimate charger from Yamaha!
Thanks for your help I will do it next weekend when we go to Greenville

Again this is what makes this site so great many people willing to help.............
Steely Dan said:
yammie3687 said:
Who in their right mind would let their sled run intentionally to get it hot enough to have the emergency shut down kick in? That does not sound like something that should be done routinely.
You are right about that. It is the amount of time it runs that shuts the engine off not how hot it gets.

Wrong it is how hot it gets that kicks the shut down safety on!
jsa3107 said:
Thanks for your help I will do it next weekend when we go to Greenville

Again this is what makes this site so great many people willing to help.............

Your very welcome and a life member I see way to go! ;)!
yammie3687 said:
Who in their right mind would let their sled run intentionally to get it hot enough to have the emergency shut down kick in? That does not sound like something that should be done routinely.

Will not hurt the sled at all and some say by starting your sled and not letting it get to full running temp is worse. I dont think either is going to hurt it.
Steely Dan said:
If you pull on the end of the rubber lead you should be able to expose the lead you can connect the charger to. I would fully charge the battery with a trickle charge and then start it, let it run until it shuts itself off and start it again in a few days. I start my sleds once a month and let them run until they shut themselves off, all summer long.
I think I answered his question with my first post!!
Sled Dog said:
Nattydread said:
I have left my battery tender on my sled for the past two months 24/7 (connected to the two leads), it is a Deltran Battery Tender plus, is this good and safe practice?

Yes only I would of bought the Optimate charger from Yamaha!

The Delltran is what the owner of my Yami dealer sold me.. ???
Steely Dan said:
Steely Dan said:
If you pull on the end of the rubber lead you should be able to expose the lead you can connect the charger to. I would fully charge the battery with a trickle charge and then start it, let it run until it shuts itself off and start it again in a few days. I start my sleds once a month and let them run until they shut themselves off, all summer long.
I think I answered his question with my first post!!

Yes but I think the starting it up till it shuts off threw people off. If it is on the charger might as just leave it on the charger for a full week and really top it off.
Nattydread said:
Sled Dog said:
Nattydread said:
I have left my battery tender on my sled for the past two months 24/7 (connected to the two leads), it is a Deltran Battery Tender plus, is this good and safe practice?

Yes only I would of bought the Optimate charger from Yamaha!

The Delltran is what the owner of my Yami dealer sold me.. ???

Ok it must be an ok unit also but I know the Optimate is a good one also.
Whatever happened to storing sleds the proper way? fuel stabilizer, fogging the cylinders and removing the battery. I charge mine a couple times during the off season and it starts right up after storage. My battery has never really even needed a charge.
dwiese said:
Whatever happened to storing sleds the proper way? fuel stabilizer, fogging the cylinders and removing the battery. I charge mine a couple times during the off season and it starts right up after storage.

Can I get an Amen?

I store my Rage the same as I have done with all my sleds... Stabil, fog and put the Battery Tender on it every few weeks. I rotate the tender between two sleds. Two weeks on two weeks off give or take a few days here or there. Even before I bought the tender after the first Summer of storage the sled cranked and started with only a little delay to get the fuel flowing.
dwiese said:
Whatever happened to storing sleds the proper way? fuel stabilizer, fogging the cylinders and removing the battery. I charge mine a couple times during the off season and it starts right up after storage. My battery has never really even needed a charge.

You guys using the stabilizers can keep on using them. I however will not use a stabilizer. I happen to blend fuels (from 85 Unleaded - 100 LL Av-Gas) and know for a fact that fuel stabilizers do not prevent fuels from loosing octane or "light ends" critical for ease of cold starts. Stabilizers do prevent the fuel from forming gums though.

For this very reason my sleds are both started every two weeks and ran on track stands for 30 min utes at various rpms with cold water shooting onto the track and exchangers to keep the engine from over heating. Over the summer; I also add 1/2 gallon of 91 oct fuel to wife's sled and 1/2 gallon of 110 VP race fuel to my SCRX-1mtn each time the sleds are started to ensure theres fresh fuel throughout the system. If you fog the motors and use sta-bil; drain the entire fuel system and add fresh fuel each season. My .02

As for the safety device mentioned above; the device is designed to shut the motor down once it has idled for 2 minutes after getting hot enough for the light to flash. The light flashes @ ~170 F and will only shut down the motor if there is no throttle input to change the rpms once the timer starts. If you blip the throttle it will keep running another 2 min.

