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Clutch Slipping???

the black belt dust....it in itself is caused from minor slippage one doesnt even notice...this wearing of the belt produces this dust which builds up (kinda like the black ring on the sheaves) but inside the towers where the slider pucks run....
So if I get the clutches apart and there is no excessive wear on the buttons or anything else, it is possible that cleaning them up could fix my issue? I have heard some guys are using liquid dish soap and hot water along with the steel wool. Have you had any success with this?
you can try it..I dont like to use liquid anything due to possible residue...

it wouldnt be a wear issue....just maintenance...

even if the cover bush was buggered it wouldnt act like this...

make sure you clean the spring pockets as well and look at the spring for winess marks of binding...

clean the rollers and face of the weights while youre there...

fyi I use 000 zero for deeper cleaning and 0000 for polishing or super smooth finishes...and lots of compressed air in an ventilated area ...
Did you by chance happen to grease the jackshaft bearing behind the secondary recently? I did and some grease squirted out and managed to find it's way onto the shaft and cause binding problems with my secondary. Don't overgrease bearings...I learned the hard and messy way.
