Code 33

Just in case this is a unrelated problem I would swap them just to be safe. You said a new ECU fixed it last time, could it be the plug at the ECU itself?
The new ECU worked great for at least 250mi. FarBeyondDriven will know exactly how many miles. One thing that comes to mind is the fact that I changed the coils around on it, and the code switched to the other side. I don't remember if I put the coils back to the original position after I did this. This would explain the change to a code 33 if I didn't. Like I said, I checked the coils, but I'm going to check them again, and go over wires on the coil itself. Then start with the sub-harness, then main harness.
Don't forget cold coils can check out good until you warm them up. Most coils will only fail after they they up to temp. Just a thought.
Thanks for the tip, canoehead. I forgot to mention that it took forever to start it this morning. Ended up jumping it and it started. Ran fine for a little while then started to run on one cyl. The coil would be plenty warm by then.
So far so good. Must have been a bad plug or something? We put new plugs in BEFORE we replaced the ECU last time. Now a "new" ECU does nothing, but new plugs seem to work.
I still suspect you have a bad coil or maybe a bad
ground on the ECU. All the new plug may have done is
relieve the strain on the coil for a bit.
I don't think codes 33 or 34 has anything to do with the spark plugs. I would bet its a bad ground.
Is there a way to visually check to see if the ground update has been done? I haven't checked the VIN at a dealership. I don't think it's a bad coil, but a bad ground could do it too.
The yellow plug on the right side (under the side cover) should have more than 1 wire going to the
Battery. There is a thread on it somewhere here with
photos. Not necessarily where yours could be bad though. You should get the manual if you want to get
into diagnosing electrical. 6.00 on Ebay.
Since your a VIP you can access the TSB in the VIP section. I think the grounding block one is the the 2009 section. If you open it up it will explain how to check if you have it, then how to fix it along with part numbers.

Road Rider is right though, shuld have more then one cable to the negative.
07 Phazers still have a bulletin on them irt grounding blocks. You can check them very easily and if you need one they (Yamaha) should provide you with a free harness.
Going by what the TSB says, the ground update has been done. Why would the code disappear with new plugs? What would cause one of the plugs to have weak spark after putting 250+ miles on? I'm thinking that there has to be a problem with the sub-harness or main harness still. I'll have to rip it apart again and go through them I guess. I was trying to avoid doing it, but I can't think of anything else.
