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cold (-4 farhenheit or -24 celcius) temps and nytro did not


Oct 23, 2007
Hillsdale, Ontario
went out to start nytro and flashed up a 43 code. Let it sit and push kill switch on and off and code went away. Is there any thing preventative i can do?

I had the same issue this afternoon.Its your fuel pump relay frozen.I used a heat gun for a few minutes and then it started and code 43 went away.I was in Dorset this weekend where it was minus -30 both nights and it started fine in the mornings but when I got home I had the issue trying to get it off the trailer.I will be ordering a new relay tomorrow.
i also had this problem i took out every relay and put diectrical grease on them, worked good all day today at -25. we stopped for two hours for supper and it started right up. you think i need a new relay too?
I had the same problem today. We stopped for lunch and it would not start the first try. Started 3rd try and is working perfect ever since. It was minus 30 out
sorenson1610 said:
What is the best way to get the relays out? Haven't had a problem yet but looked and it looks very tight in there. Thanks

I removed the side panel behind the shock, bunch of pushpins and a bolt or two i think. makes it much easier to get at.
I just replaced mine nite before last, it is tight but you can get it with just the hood off. I removed the push pin that holds the relay mounting bar to the frame in the front. Allows for easier access. I painted my entire relay with liquid electrical tape in hopes of sealing it up better. No idea if it will help.
Had the same issue with mine this weekend 2 mornings. The relays are covered with snow after riding in powder for 2 days. Used a hair dryer on the relay for a minute or so. Poor design by Yamaha in my opinion (putting the relays up front where they can get covered by snow).
Very frustrating!
Code 43 for me as well this past weekend. Dealer gave me a new relay today and says that the problem was with only the older relays. Issue should now be fixed. Time will tell.
He also told me if it does happen and it's too cold, dark etc to try and work on it just pee on the relay to warm it up and away you go! Sound crazy enough to work?
Have the same issue with my Phazer when its cold, Well below 0 F cold and usually when I have been in deep snow. I carry those handwarmer packets, you crack and I guess mix together and they heat up,
Put it on the relay for a min or two and it fires up. Some places we stop there is no electricity, so no heat gun.
Had the exact same problem this weekend. Rode in the poweder all day Saturday & Sunday no problems. Parked it for about 45 minutes on Sunday while I packed up and wouldn't fire. Thankfully I read about this exact same issue on the forum last week, so I knew exactly what to do. Grabbed a hair dryer and after about 10 minutes it fired up. Relays are easy to get at by just removing the front hood.
