2009 nytro code 22, 43, and constant fuel power


Jul 1, 2020
Reaction score
2009 Turbo Nytro
Well, as title says, I have code 43 and 22, plus the fuel pump continues to run and the fuel controller will stay lit when key is off

(Has auxiliary msd fuel pump mounted on r side were battery is supposed to be, and battery moved up front)

Background, 2009 yamaha nytro (turbo) built by phatties super shop in Idaho

Just did a full engine build as it melted down 2 years ago(let buddy ride it, held it tagged for 5 mins across his field) (did connecting rods, block was sent away, oe pistons, headgasket shim, the whole 9)

I assume that code 43 and the fuel power not shutting off must be correlated? Replaced starter solenoid but that didn't help, fuel relay??

Code 22 has been on even before rebuild, and I know that is to do with intake temp but I cannot find the temp sensor or plug for that matter (custom turbo kit, running BD intercooler) have searched high and low and do not know what else to do as I can't find much info on any of it, any way to bypass the sensor?? Just want to clear it all up and get the engine light to not be flashing, thanks in advance.
So I tested a bunch of wiring today, and found the one with ground signal, also has ground signal when key is off

And found the starter relay has 12v at the fuel injection wire when off, I replaced this relay about 3 weeks ago thinking it was an issue, even swapped on one from my phazer to see and still did the same thing
