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cold right foot


Nov 17, 2006
buffalo N.Y.
I have an 06 vector, does anyone else find their right foot gets very cold while your left foot gets really hot? If so any ideas how to solve this problem?

Haven't noticed this on mine, although my '99 Arctic Cat Z did heat the left foot more than the right. I always thought it had something to do with the fan cooled engine but maybe it's the clutches blowing warm air form the engine compartment. Possibly try different boots?

'06 Vector GT
Yea, put your left boot on yout right foot & vice versa. Hopefully the discomfort will take your mind of the heating, or lack of heating, issue and it will no longer be of any concern.
Hey Jamm, where abouts in buffalo ya from? Anyways, I havent noticed it being cold, but I have noticed it colder, and if I had to take an educated guess it would be that with the flow of the coolant by the time it reaches the other side is is no longer warming the floorboard, and then your feet....
I have also experienced the cold right foot. This is due to the fact that there is an easy path for cold air from the vent in the hood that is directly above the oil tank ,through the engine compartment and out by your right foot. A little duct tape over that vent on colder days takes care of the problem. That doesn't happen on the left side because the clutch cover blocks the air.
had the same problem on my o6 rage. i think the fins on the brake rotor move so much air that it froze my foot. best fix 150 bucks on a good pair of riding boots
Never had this problem......but I wear snowmobiling boots instead of sneakers. :drink: Just kidding.

I have noticed the top of my left foot will get wet sometimes from melting snow dripping down onto my boot.
x2thez said:
Hey Jamm, where abouts in buffalo ya from? Anyways, I havent noticed it being cold, but I have noticed it colder, and if I had to take an educated guess it would be that with the flow of the coolant by the time it reaches the other side is is no longer warming the floorboard, and then your feet....

I experience it also and I'm going with this guy. I really noticed it when we rode through last years blizzard and broke trail for 80 miles. (Thats all we could manage for the day!) Sled was really working hard and on the left side all the snow would melt off but the right I had to keep scraping it off.
These sleds suck for keeping warm. Poorest design I've owned for driver comfort on cold days. Shoulders, hands, and feet always cool, or frozen, except for warmer days (-10 celcius and above). You're right foot is cold because there is no exhaust pipe there. Your left foot is O.K. because of the clutches. I've ridden 4000-5000 miles a year for 25 years now, I know how to stay warm, but I can't do it on my 2007 RS Venture, my 2001 Venture is much warmer.
Always stayed really warm riding until I swapped my '05 bar for an '06 bar. The hand warmers are marginal at best. Haven't noticed one foot warmer or colder though...
Thanks!! I haven't really heard a lot about the 06 vector hand warmers not working well. I thought maybe it was just mine. My SXR could burn your hands off but the Vector on really cold days is....not good. In fact, I'm buying gauntlets for when I go to Canada....
The '06 bars with the issue are the ones with the aluminum hooks, not the '06 Vecs. I swapped mine for a Nytro bar, that's why I now have the issue....
Funny, I had the OPPOSITE experience with my 2008 Vector. My right foot was very warm but above 70mph the turbulance created by the secondary clutch would have almost a reverse effect and would start sucking or blowing COLD air at my RIGHT foot. Below 50mph, no problem, above 70 I could feel some cold air on the top of my boot, enough to make me take notice - and I wear big Sorrell Glaciers which are almost immune to cold temps.
