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converting Doo guy?


Aug 3, 2004
Hi everyone, new to the forum.
I'm riding an 02 mxz 700 adrenaline right now but looking at an rx1 or rs vector for my next sled.
Test drove an rx1 this past march at the Snodeo in NH. Awesome power hit and sound of the motor! Didn't ride enough to get a feel for the suspension, but my mxz does feel like it handles better. Looks like there are big chassis updates for 05. Any feedback you guys can give me about the rx1 and rs vector as compared to my mxz would be appreciated.


Welcome aboard :yam:
One of my buddies has your same exact sled. I have a hard time getting him off mine when we switch, he loves my motor. As far as ride and handling, your mxz is pretty nice when the trails get bad and it definately rode better than my RX-1, and a little better than my Warrior. Where your mxz shines is when the trails got really rough and twisty. It's very easy to throw around and eats up the bumps. Both my RX-1 and Warrior were a handful. Depending on the type of riding you do, depends on what I would recommend. Rough tight twisties the Vector. Smooth with wide sweeping turns definately the RX-1. Throw in some off trail with lots of snow and get a Warrior.
Ditto on what Mighty said. Some other things to think about are that only the RX-1 received the mono-shock suspension. The other big difference is 20-30 more hp on the RX motor, which may or may not be a big deal to you. The Vector will be lighter and easier to handle the tight and twisty trails.

Also, use the search button at the top. There were numerous posts last spring comparing the Vector with the RX-1 from people that actually rode the two sleds.
Thanks! It will be a tough call for me. I think I'd be real happy with the Vector power, we only do a little lake racing Mostly groomed trails that get twisty a lot but also lots of wide trails. They get whooped up usually by the end of the day like most areas that's why I'm looking for a suspension that would be better than my sled, and at least close to a Rev as I'll be riding with 3 rev 600 sdi's. Our lead guy got a ticket last year so we keep close to the 45 mph limit now so If I can rip up to 55 I will be happy. Just don't want to get beat up when the trails are rough and have my rev buddies laughing saying I told you so.
Yami claims the weight for the Vector is centralized, wonder if that means the rider is more forward also similar to a rev?
doo test

just take your doo budds out on a long ride say about 1.5 hours should do it bring the cruse up to about 100 mph for 20 miles and at the end of that brinng out the tow rope cuse there out of gas ive done this and it works there are a few sleds that can do this but not many ps this is a normal ride for us here most of our rides ar on the lakes big lakes LaLaLa
:yam: I rode with 800ho's and 600 sdi's and they did have great fuel mileage when cruising, that said when they get on it the tank is empty before you know it. My sled that I would buy right now would be the mono-shock sled with a little kick in the hp power and let it be known to your doo buddys from time to time who has the power and top end (safely). I think the three cylinders will be the sleds to have in another two or three years (STOCK TURBOS) WHATEVER YOU DECIDE IT WILL BE FUN. :yam:
thanks for the advice guys! sounds like there are plenty of satisfied rx owners out there.
Pro116, I'm from CT and do all my riding in northern NH and Canada riding out of NH. We ride groomed trails of all kinds. Some tight and twisty and a lot wide and fast. The trails often get beat up by afternoon so a good suspension the can keep up to my buddies Revs is important. Lots of fish and game police with radar so we have had to slow down a bit, unless we cross alake where we can open it up, so the biggest motor isn't as important.
