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Cracked Clutch Face


Nov 3, 2003
Midland, MI
2016 Yamaha LTXDX
I was checking my primary clutch and found two cracks in the fixed half. These cracks start in the bottom where the two locking keys are. I took the clutch to my dealer and he checked with the Yamaha rep and stated that there would be no warranty because I had overheated the clutch. Has anyone else experienced this cracking problem? Somehow I can't understand why Yamaha won't warranty that inner piece. This clutch is on an 03 RX1 and several people I ride with have a slight grove just above engagement just like mine does. Anyone have any suggestions or help? Any by the way, this sled has a four year extended warranty that I paid big money for and it appears to be useless. Thanks.

how many miles...and if the clutching tuning was off, thats whats causes the heat....how could they tell??
Find a new dealer,I had one crack on my SRX and they covered it under warranty.The sled was 2 years old with 3500 miles on it,had a 3 year warranty.
Does anybody know what IS covered by the extended warranty it should not depend on what dealer you have either Yamaha covers it or they don't. Over half the stories I read out here pertaining to the subject in more cases than not Yamaha claims it is a user induced problem. Why are they so obsessed with making it difficult to get things covered under warranty. :o| Some of us get lucky and get a dealer that will go to bat for you where others put up absolutely no fight with Yamaha. Good customer service is what keeps people coming back to buy new! Yamaha is not doing themselves any favors here :? why why why!
I had mine replaced under warranty at about 1500 miles. I was using an aftermarket clutch kit and probably put extra strain on it. I'm glad I looked at it. Everyone out there should check theirs also.

I had the same problem on my SRX and it was covered by Yamaha. Maybe you need e new rep too.
mine was cracket too and the dealer replace both , both was cracket, don't ride like this , your left foot and leg's get injuries when it's explosed. all my yamaha sled have the same problem every year. thebest
I had a clutch explode last year... fixed face turned into 3 pieces of 1/3 face, one piece went THROUGH the cowling, one piece went THROUGH the FRAME, last piece just bounced around and didnt hurt anything. Yamaha did NOT cover under warranty, probably because the sled was 16 years out of warranty. LOL. Piece cost $48 to replace.
My primary had a MAJOR groove in it.... easily detectable by hand (only 1200 miles). Dealers first reaction was either I ran a long distance with the parking break on, (I told them they had to be kidding) or from loading and unloading from a trailer improperly... (my reaction was the same)
Then tried to say it wasn't any big deal but if I wanted they would replace it. I waited until the end of the season and had it replaced (luckily because it took almost 2 months for the parts) and had the clutch kit (same dealer installed) checked to make sure there weren't any issues with it. It seems that maybe Yamaha may have had a few problems in this area.
Bottom line is find the right dealer and stick with them. They may not always be the cheapest up front but the lack of hassles at the other end more than make up for it.
Convert, That's the beauty of warranties, they are worded to exclude any problems caused by abuse or missuse by the owner. That can cover a large variety failures. Most failures can have a variety of causes including what they call "abuse". It's all in how the dealer words his claims and what kind relationship they have with thier Yammy Rep.

That's one reason I choose to have most of my aftermarket work done by my dealer, no matter who's parts I use. I may spend a little more but they are also quicker to cover issues that may come up, even if it is caused by a little "abuse" on my part :oops:

Blown track after late night racing on pure ice with my SRX......covered

The right dealer is key... :Rockon:
