Apex clutch on Winder Question

I bought the 15MM which I believe to be same as stock size. I honestly see no reason I wont get 10K miles out of them.. I have zero roller issues as I run 68 grams.
I see they are $99 US.. How much was the damage to your door?
I forget what I paid, it was months ago. Whatever the price is on their website, not sure if they've gone up lately or not.
I went down the road of a Apex clutch on my Winder last year and had good results for the most part. The only draw back I have, is the engagement is jerky no matter how soft of a primary spring I run. I believe the issue is caused by excessive clearance between the belt and clutch face. Beside taking the clutch apart to change the split moon washes, a option not available to me for lack of specialty tools. How can I close this gap up?

If its jerky that is typically weights with the stall in the wrong spot as it engages on the belt, belt deflection set too tight or too loose, or a belt that is burned, groved or cut inconsistently. Try changing the deflection tighter if you can, and see how that works for you, or swap belts to a wider or narrower belt. It will change the position the weights are in when it rides over the stall.

What weights are you using?
If its jerky that is typically weights with the stall in the wrong spot as it engages on the belt, belt deflection set too tight or too loose, or a belt that is burned, groved or cut inconsistently. Try changing the deflection tighter if you can, and see how that works for you, or swap belts to a wider or narrower belt. It will change the position the weights are in when it rides over the stall.

What weights are you using?
QAY 70 is what I run in my machine. I welcome your advice as always, and will try a new belt and set deflection tighter as per your recommendation. I have done all of my mods based on your results with your machine. Thank You for sharing you knowledge with dummy's like me.
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Well I tried a new belt and tightened up belt deflection... and it is still has jerky engagement . So I measured the belt to clutch face clearance, and came up with 190 thou. I now have a 911 cover for my Apex clutch and would like to know what should I set the clearance at.
Well I tried a new belt and tightened up belt deflection... and it is still has jerky engagement . So I measured the belt to clutch face clearance, and came up with 190 thou. I now have a 911 cover for my Apex clutch and would like to know what should I set the clearance at.

Your on you own there. All you will do with that cover is lower the engagement by screwing it in, it does not change the shimming, but will lessen the belt clearance which irrelevant to the stall position on the rollers. Maybe you want to lower the engagement? Moving the cover in or out will have no relationship to where the belt/stall relationship is however.

Only changing the spider shimming or roller size will do that or grinding the stall into a different spot on the weight.

Does the track try to ratite on the stand with the deflection tight and the belt warmed up? If so, try going the other way and loosening the belt deflection. I'm not sure why the Dalton weights would act jerky for you. They all have the stall in the same spot. I use DTYA-1's and have never had a jerky engagement like that with tight deflection. Typically if its doing that the stall is riding on the roller right at the moment its moving the belt. What happens is it rolls over the stall, than back, and over, than back giving you that jerky feeling. Larger or smaller roller would take it away from that spot too.
Your on you own there. All you will do with that cover is lower the engagement by screwing it in, it does not change the shimming, but will lessen the belt clearance which irrelevant to the stall position on the rollers. Maybe you want to lower the engagement? Moving the cover in or out will have no relationship to where the belt/stall relationship is however.

Only changing the spider shimming or roller size will do that or grinding the stall into a different spot on the weight.

Does the track try to ratite on the stand with the deflection tight and the belt warmed up? If so, try going the other way and loosening the belt deflection. I'm not sure why the Dalton weights would act jerky for you. They all have the stall in the same spot. I use DTYA-1's and have never had a jerky engagement like that with tight deflection. Typically if its doing that the stall is riding on the roller right at the moment its moving the belt. What happens is it rolls over the stall, than back, and over, than back giving you that jerky feeling. Larger or smaller roller would take it away from that spot too.
Wow Mike not really what I wanted to hear. But I do know you have forgotten more than I will ever know. Guess I will be selling this shiny cover and looking into this further.
Wow Mike not really what I wanted to hear. But I do know you have forgotten more than what I know. Guess I will be selling this shiny cover and looking into this further.

I'm not sure who talked you into the cover. You can try to lower the engagement by turning in the nut but that's all its going to change is lower it.

I'd have told you to save the money had you asked. The cover does nothing for performance contrary to what others may try to tell you there than changing the engagement RPM.

Shimming, deflection and roller size control the belt/roller/stall relationship.
911 cover! HAS A SHEAVE adjuster on it.
Call Terry over at thunder clutching.
I heard Terry is coming to Oshkosh on December 11th to Hexaco for the Snowmobile club drawing for a new sled. Maybe check it out and meet him.
I'm not sure who talked you into the cover. You can try to lower the engagement by turning in the nut but that's all its going to change is lower it.

I'd have told you to save the money had you asked. The cover does nothing for performance contrary to what others may try to tell you there than changing the engagement RPM.

Shimming, deflection and roller size control the belt/roller/stall
I'm not sure who talked you into the cover. You can try to lower the engagement by turning in the nut but that's all its going to change is lower it.

I'd have told you to save the money had you asked. The cover does nothing for performance contrary to what others may try to tell you there than changing the engagement RPM.

Shimming, deflection and roller size control the belt/roller/stall relationship.
Because you don’t like Thunder products AND ONLY run Dalton stuff is why your saying the cover does nothing. The cover does not strengthen the clutch towers? Not everyone has to run Dalton clutching and yes Dalton clutching components are not perfect. They wear just like others. It gets old
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Because you don’t like Thunder products AND ONLY run Dalton stuff is why your saying the cover does nothing. The cover does not strengthen the clutch towers? Not everyone has to run Dalton clutching and yes Dalton clutching components are not perfect. They wear just like others. It gets old

Jon, as long as you're bringing it up, I don't run only the Dalton stuff, I run anything that actually works for me and that I like, the rest gets trashed or thrown in a pile. I do feel however the Dalton stuff is the best quality clutch components out there on the market. That said, I also have a TAPP sitting on the bench ready to get installed and tested. So I do try pretty much everything out there at least once.

IMO, notice I said my opinion? I don't believe this cover does anything to be quite honest, its an expensive farkle IMO. Some like it and that's fine. To each their own.

I had an nice truthful explanation typed out about what I don't like it about the cover, but not looking to get kicked off the site because someone takes offense to it like you just did.
Jon, as long as you're bringing it up, I don't run only the Dalton stuff, I run anything that actually works for me and that I like, the rest gets trashed or thrown in a pile. I do feel however the Dalton stuff is the best quality clutch components out there on the market. That said, I also have a TAPP sitting on the bench ready to get installed and tested. So I do try pretty much everything out there at least once.

IMO, notice I said my opinion? I don't believe this cover does anything to be quite honest, its an expensive farkle IMO. Some like it and that's fine. To each their own.

I had an nice truthful explanation typed out about what I don't like it about the cover, but not looking to get kicked off the site because someone takes offense to it like you just did.
You are wealth of knowledge and help many on this site. Saying the cover does nothing is just not true.. IMO of course
