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Yeah i here ya mike i'm in springfield vt. and the riding so far this year has been trash. Bought an 05 candy shorty last spring and have put 60 miles on it. This sucks. Headed to west forks me. for 5 days the first week in feb. though. Hopefully theres some decent riding up there. The sled was used (1200 mi.) and what i've ridden it so far WOO-HOO what fun.

The only good riding in Maine right now is way North in Aroostook county. Had a lot of rain last weekend and announcing more tommorrow, hope conditions hold up.
Mikeb - do you ride in VT or NH?

I'm in White River Jct and haven't turned a track yet. At this rate, it will be like last year when I didn't ride until I went to Quebec the end of Jan. Last couple have not been too good until real late (after mid-Feb)
I ride (or did ride) both VT and NH. I did get 200 on in December. Seams like winter is getting shorter and shorter.

Guess I'll do some updates on the bike this year. I was going to upgrade the rear end.
West Forks

All... In the forks last weekend. Luckly the rain turned to snow Saturday PM. We got around 175 miles in the whole weekend. ITS 86 around Moxie pond to Greenville was a nice ride. There are 2 seious wash outs one in the Forks and one on ITS 85 to Moosehead Motorsports. Be careful!! One more thing - the roads from the Forks heading north are plowed with a thick layer of ice. GOOD LUCK carbides :D
Called around today. Some riding in the upper elevations in Pittsburg but thats about it. Not worth the cost of gas to get all the way up there, just to play in the mud.
Rain took anything we had around here in North Centeral Maine. Grand total of 56 miles this year. So warm even the lake I live at is breaking up. Usually have 2 feet of ice and more than that in snow by this time of year. Someone must have made "mother nature" pretty mad.
