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Do you guys with RX1's experience track howl like RS's do?

Yes mine has it ,always has,when its time to change tracks im going to try the artic cat ripsaw quiet track.Ive got 2500 miles so far this year figure ill replace it about 5000 miles if it makes it that far.
Lazybastard - You make me laugh - I love your comments.

I own a Vector and yes it has track noise, but ride it in the powder or loose snow and no more noise. Due more to track hieght than anything else. Just ride it. If these sleds where as noisy as a 2 smoke you would not here the noise. Just my 2 cents. :4STroke:
LazyBastard said:
What the hell is a track howl? Tracks make noise, as does EVERYTHING where there's friction.

Let me ask you this; do you guys with RS's experience ski-sliding-on-snow noise? Or is it just RX's?

Track howl is that RIDICULOUSLY LOUD noise my track makes on my RX-1. Most of the time on my sled I can't even hear the engine the track is so loud. Whatever points Yamaha made with the tree huggers by using the 4 stroke they lose from the noise this track makes!!
Yes there is a lot of track noise...I find it a little better when you run a fresh set of hyfax but as soon as they start wearing down it gets worst...

I've notice they tend to wear very uneven (wavy) I wonder if that would create some kind of a vibration along the rails...and the other thing I find that the idlers have a lot of track pressure once the hyfax wear down...in my case I broke a rear idler right of the rail and the other one is barely hanging on due to exesive track pressure...so I'm sure that this translate to track NOISE!!!
I've said it in the RS section and I'll say it here (since it was asked).

I have no excessive track noise coming from my sled. I have no idea what these guys are talking about. Yes my track makes "noise".....all tracks do. But no, its not excessive, in any shape or form. Some of these guys are saying they can't even hear the engine over the track noise........I can hear mine just fine, and it sounds sweet!

Also my limiter straps are loosend all the way (stock setting). Tomato, tomato.......you pronounce it how ever you like.
ahhh, the things you hear running a 4-stroke. On my warrior I had a long of clangs and squeeks. I figured the squeeks were the front bushings, the bangs were the rear limiter straps and control rods. After installing my m10, it is much quieter. 9 out of 10 noises came from the rear suspension. I can hear the track humm now at higher speeds. No other noised and nothing excessive. If you want to talk about noise, you should hear the chain case wine on my buddys viper.
