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Easy Start Kit

Only one update on mine which is the steering. No requirement for the ECU kit. Usually fires right up 3-4 cranks on the warmer days ( -10C and above, no wind-chill ). Anything below that usually takes around 8-10 cranks.

I had this update done on my MTN. Lite and it deffinetly works. -15 degress fires up in 2 to 3 seconds. I have not noticed power loss or mileage drop and it has 17:41 gear ratio. This weekend I'll top end her I was only getting 79 mph before anyway. I'll fill up this weekend a couple times riding I will confirm. I went 43 miles and only dropped 3 bars on fuel gauge seems to be the same as before.

This thing pulls like a little animal to 50 mph, also for more info I understand they remapped the ECU just don't know if that means richer though. I did adjust C1 and C2 to -4 to lean it out and that really helped cold starts before update also. But if you notice with the kit it does not pop like it used to because they also changed the decompression spring also. Just an extra note I get 12 mpg pushing powder like a bulldozer all day.
Glad I clicked in on the thread. I had some work done last week, including the hard starting kit installed. Didn't think much about it, other than it starts usually on the first crank. But now that I read this thread, I did forget about the new ECU.

I noticed it pulled (even with the Hauck kit) even harder.

I took 1.6 gallons less than my SS on the same terrian/ride, usually they are dead even at a fill up. I'll keep an eye on this.

I did notice that WOT it seemed to only be showing around mid eighties on the gauge...seemed as fast as prior. Maybe they fixed the speedos?

Interesting, stuff...I'll have to keep an eye on it... :Rockon:
I have an 08RTX, does anyone know if the 08's received the cold start updates? I also have noticed when engine is warm it will fire up after a couple of cranks like its going to start but won't unless I keep starter engaged even after it finally starts. I am also worried about excess wear to the starter like others here.

Thank You
What exactly is involved in the cold start update ? I assumed it was just an ECU swap, but my dealer told me there are minor engine mods necessary and the head needs to be removed in order to do so. Anyone care to explain the process ?
I believe its the ECU(new,reflashed?)and they change the Decompression mechanism spring.Decompression mechanism is on engaging exhaust cam bucket with motor off or at cranking rpm.When it starts centrifugal force deactivates it.Spring controls rpm needed to deactivate it.
Have an '07 Phazer FX and an '07 Venture Lite.

Had all updates done on both including a fan at N/C on the FX.

Had the new ECU's installed to cure hard starting on cold days. On start up

with cold engine need to engage the starter longer to start, but always


On warm engine start up, both will stall unless starter is engaged for 1-2

seconds extra.

Good News : Better starting in cold temps.

Bad News : Both sleds have lost 20 kmh ( 12.5 mph) on top end. Top

speed on the FX was 140 kmh (87.5 mph), now 120 kmh. Top on the VL

was 135 kmh ( 84 mph), now 115 kmh. Also believe fuel mileage has

dropped due to richer settings on the new ECU's, haven't had a chance to

confirm this yet. All speeds were on similar hard pack conditions.

Easier start up in cold temps comes at a price, be careful what you wish

for. Next trip to dealer we're looking for our old ECUs back.


Update: Checked again this wknd. The Venture Lite top end was 133

kmh and the Phazer FX pulled 130 kmh on the same stretch of groomed

trail at -10 C. The Venture Lite has the original rack and pass seat

reinstalled ( more weight ) than previous post, down 2 kmh from the

original top speed of 135 kmh. Not sure whats up with the Phazer with

only 130 kmh on top. Fuel mileage checked and the VL ran 135km (84

miles ) on 18 litres (3.95 Cdn. gal.) for 21.26 mpg., 25-30 of those kms

were at WOT. The Phazer ran the same distance on 16 litres (3.51 Cdn

gal.) for 23.93 mpg.

Conclusions: ECU update does not affect performance or fuel mileage on

our sleds. I stand corrected! Likely explanation for the earlier speed and

fuel mileage concerns is the 75 lbs. of ice buildup on the Venture Lite and

the 60 or so lbs. of ice on the Phazer.

Both sleds sat in our trailer for 2 weeks without being started and

temps for the 4 or 5 days prior to running the sleds were - 18 to - 24 C

with a wind chill of - 25 to -30. 3 cranks of the starter and hold it on for 1

second past the 3rd crank and they fire right up. :jump:
phaze5 said:
what the hell is a kmh

Metrically Challenged are we? 1.6 kmh ( kilometres per hour) = 1 mph.

1.6 km ( kilometre ) = 1 mile, measuring distance.

50 mph = 80 kmh

60 miles = 96 km

A unit of measurement in the Metric system used to measure speed and

distance in The Great White North, Eh! :-o
SharkAttak said:
so do think that the easy start kit made it to rich?

I believe it richens up on cold start and lowers compression for easier turnover. After warm up it leans back out and normal compression returns.
That may be oversimplified, just my .02.
