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Engine overheat? Genesis 120

It might self destruct (come apart internally) before it shut down. It certainly would do severe damage before it shutdown. Overheating would be caused by the damage being done. It would most likely seize up and stop. Any "Overheating protection" built in would not save your engine.

You didn't run 'er dry did you?
yup, started the day with 3/4 tank of oil and 100km into the ride she died and light came on tank was bone dry...
You may want to consider taking her to the shop. Maybe you can save a few parts and the Engine Case.

How many miles did you put on it to run out of that 3/4 tank of oil? Got any ideas where the 3/4 tank of oil went to?

Did you by any chance have Y.E.S.? One trip to the dealer like this pays for Y.E.S. several times. :-(
about 70 miles to empty the tank...There was a little bit of oil in the side panel but not 2L worth. Never saw oil on the ground at the stops we made. Sad part is it was a BRAND NEW engine I was still doing breakin on it after the timing chain snapped last year on my original engine. The head mechanic said it felt like a connecting rod problem, maybe a burnt bearing that siezed and exploded is my guess? I havent taken a look at the sled yet. Anyway, no chance of warranty on this one. Im going to bring it home and descide what to do with her.
I believe I saw video of this? Tough luck my friend. Did the oil tank crack?
Common problem with these unfortunately. My partner lost one in his Rage, but caught it before engine damage. Best of luck with whatever you decide!!
If there was a part failure, I would take it back to the dealer. Sometimes Yamaha ponies up on a part failure, even after the warranty. At the very least, maybe they can be talked into a 50%/50% deal.

If this was a freshly rebuilt engine, take it back to the rebuilder. I had a rebuilt crank come apart on one of my other sleds. Had to go back on the crank rebuilder. Again a 50%/50% deal might work there.

Have to keep a smile on your face and consider them a partner to your success. You get more flies with Honey, etc. ... But you also have to remain firm.

Good luck!
Thanks for the advice Len, think I'm going to see if I can drag the sled into the race shop we have a work and yank the motor out.
i remember your post from last season, and yamaha gave you a entire new engine. who installed this motor. you? or the dealer? if the dealer did then they should double check there work. maybe the tech pinched a o-ring or didnt tighten the bottom oil line enough and when the engine was running it was pressurising and blowing out. you wouldnt see that while riding cause the track would cover up the leak in the snow
