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expencive inner bogie wheels


Jan 3, 2012
Midland, Michigan
Hi guys I just joined the site but have owned my 2009 nytro rtx for two years now and i love the hell out it. All my buddies hate to ride behind me because of my exuast noise. :Rockon: wouldnt have it any other way.

any way the real reason im posting is because I found my front inner bogie wheel had some chunks missing. when i went to replace it I noticed parts house wanted 53$ for one. Then I looked up the pice for a 2010 nytro and it said the wheel only cost 17$. Is there a reason for this? Will the 2010 fit on my 2009? The stupid dealer wanted to charge me 70$ for it!!! :die

Thanks for the help guys.

The 10's should be the same as the 09's
alot of the time the stuff in the yamaha accessory catalog is cheaper than the similar stuff in the parts book.
yamaha1973 said:
canoehead said:
yamaha1973 said:
canoehead said:
The 10's should be the same as the 09's

10's are replaceable bearing i believe...
Sorry should have just said they'll work (fit)!
sorry didnt mean to be nit picky haha
It's ok I've been married for 30 years so I'm fairly numb to comments. lol
i put on 2...the 2 that are located inside the rails...i put polaris wheels on the 4 located outside the rails.
nytrocrazy said:
Is it ok to put just one of the x wheels on for now or do I need to replace all of them?
I don't know what your riding, but I would at least change the 4 on the rails (outside)
