Extrovert Drivers

race24x said:
How tough is it to press the drivers on and off? I have a press, but I was considering letting Woodys do it for a half hour of labor.

Pretty easy really. The hardest part is figuring out where they go.
ahicks said:
race24x said:
How tough is it to press the drivers on and off? I have a press, but I was considering letting Woodys do it for a half hour of labor.

Pretty easy really. The hardest part is figuring out where they go.
Just mark the spots on each edge of the original driver. Also there is alignment marks (ARROWS) on each one that have to line up with each other
I just laid the stock driver in the track with the speedo reluctor removed. I then put a square of the speedo side of the shaft running the other side of the square along the track. Marked the straight edge for center of each track window and thats it. Press them off and press the new ones on making sure the arrows are pointing the same direction as flybyu said, and line the center of the driver back up to the marks on the square.
Wahl Drivers on a 2007 Apex RTX

I installed Wahl Bros anti-ratchets on my 2007 Apex RTX. You will have to modify your rails. I cut the front of the rails so they were shorter and had to install Nytro end caps. If you don't, your skid will not fit with the new drivers. Do not over cut because you will want to use the stock screw hole for the hyfax.
Re: Wahl Drivers on a 2007 Apex RTX

yamahaapex07 said:
I installed Wahl Bros anti-ratchets on my 2007 Apex RTX. You will have to modify your rails. I cut the front of the rails so they were shorter and had to install Nytro end caps. If you don't, your skid will not fit with the new drivers. Do not over cut because you will want to use the stock screw hole for the hyfax.

That's funny because I have done atleast 10 of them and haven't had to do that yet. Your limiter straps pulled all the way up or something? Your chaincase relocated? Did you use 10 tooth drivers?
Guys, could there be a difference in clearance Proactive vs. Mono? When stating your experience/opinion, would it be fair to ask which skid you're talking about to try and prevent confusion?
Flybyu you have done this on the RTX with Proaction and didnt have to cut anything? The other post scared me I am going to try and get this done this weekend . Will the drivers fit either direction? I still havent decided I might just let the shop put them on the shaft for me.
race24x said:
Flybyu you have done this on the RTX with Proaction and didnt have to cut anything? The other post scared me I am going to try and get this done this weekend . Will the drivers fit either direction? I still havent decided I might just let the shop put them on the shaft for me.

10 + times. 2 things are very important. 1. mark exactly where the stock ones are sitting now.(score lines onto the driveshaft. 2. Arrows must point exactly in the same directions. these are timing marks.That's it.
Never score lines onto a shaft unless you are trying to break it.
4x4 said:
Never score lines onto a shaft unless you are trying to break it.

Are you serious? 350 hp on 5 sleds with 5000 +miles on them. And guess what no broken shafts. Use a scribe. Not a chisel and a hammer
Question: I just got myself (thx Michmobiler!) a Micro Belmont HD Apex drive shaft loaded with new 9 tooth Ski Doo extro drivers. I've heard the "teeth" on the 'Doo extros were perhaps longer than other extros, and to be safe a guy should run an anti stab kit on the front of his rails.... What's everyone's experience on this? Thinking of either staying 136" or going 144" on a Back Country track (1.75" lug). Think I'm safe or should I add an anti stab kit in the front? I'd really hate to wreck an expensive track and be stranded some where! Thx guys....
im surprised nobody has mentioned this yet, but theres an inside and a outside to the doo drivers. if you look close at the notched spaces where the drive lugs ride in, you will notice that one side is squared off and the other side is rounded a little. the rounded side goes out. otherwise you wont clear the track clips and they will start ripping off the clips.
