FAQ: I need some Track Advice

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Swiss Sledder

TY 4 Stroke God
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Bidford on Avon, United Kingdom
From the Sept 2008 edition of SnowTech in the Dear Ralph section, I thought this was worthy of an FAQ. It is only their opinion.

The Camoplast RipSaw is deserving of the reputation it has because of how well it works across a wide set of conditions. The single-ply version, now available to all manufacturers, is superior to the older versions. So if you ride in all conditions and only have one track, the RipSaw is a good choice. Tracks with lugs under 1" are not a viable option with today's high performance sleds.

121" Tracks
For hard packed and fast trails, the Camoplast Hacksaw 1" lug is really the faster track and better suited to hard snow and hyfax lubrication.

In loose snow or fresh snow conditions, the the new Camoplast Cobra track is really a better option. It hooks up better in loose snow and straight line performance is great. This is a good track for the U.P. or areas that receive lots of fresh snow.

136" and 144" Tracks
For trail cruisers or people that tend to stay on the groomed trial, the RipSaw would be the better all around choice. Nobody complains about the RipSaw in terms of top speed, it is usually not tall enough for fresh snow. We have used the 1.5" RipSaw and that works good in fresh snow and deeper off trail use, but is really a handful on hard packed trails.

If we go to a 136" or 144" track sled that is used both on trail and off trail, then the Cobra would be the better option for the variety of conditions.
I would try to hide this from LB! All you are doing is setting yourself up for an argument! Although, I believe it is a nice article.
the 6 pitch predator or now known as the carve is one of the best tracks period...


Thanks for your help, I'm hoping someone has information on the Ice Ripper for trail riding!

Ron M
WeSled2 said:
I would try to hide this from LB! All you are doing is setting yourself up for an argument! Although, I believe it is a nice article.

Got the iceripper XT on my attak. Just took off the center studded ripsaw & will be out for the 1st time with the new track this Saturday. I'll leave feedback then. (Mike Knap -knappattak has been running it & raves about it) so I expect good things.
I just put the ice ripper xt on my apex (121) after pulling out 10 studs in the rip saw.
my impression on the track is this, I'll never stud a track again, the 240 picks that come in the ice ripper are adequate for maintaining control on glare ice (the lake in front of the my house had no snow last week) it hooks up as well as 100-120 regular studs, the fully clipped design seemed to roll easier, but the biggest plus was the lack of vibration from the track i always hated the slight vibration from the studs before now it's as smooth as can be.
Only manage to get in about 30-35 miles today. Trails were groomed but we still need snow thus not perfect conditions. On an icy plowed logging road I made the turn with good traction, if you jump on the throttle you know you don't have traditional studs but she pulls away pretty good (much better than non-studded track). Went around afew icy corners & felt in total control. Things are much quieter & smoother than my studded track was. So far very happy!!!!

Now if we could get more snow & my riding buddies ski-doo wasn't having issues I could get more trail time. Will give feedback as I have it
Had Ice Ripper for past two years. Have Ice Tech this year. I love them both. I too will never stud another track. No more bent and lost studs, lost top end and stud damaged tracks. They have plenty of traction on ice and in the corners.
dont no if im the right place but im looking at the backcountry track and was wondering if 1 3/4 will fit on my attak
In the process of doing this right now. You'll have to remove all of the tunnel protection and the front cooler protectors. You can use 8 tooth drivers and leave the front protectors on if you'd rather have a safety margin. This is the route I am taking ;)!
So as of now no definitive answer. 14k on my 06 apex, time to change the track. Give me your vote for bet replacement track for general trail riding, some what agrressive but not out of control.
These sleds are notorious for bad slider wear.. Would like to remedy that at the same time.

Also heard something about better exhaust doughnuts. Might as well fix that while i am in there. Anyone help me with this one
Coach said:
So as of now no definitive answer. 14k on my 06 apex, time to change the track. Give me your vote for bet replacement track for general trail riding, some what agrressive but not out of control.
These sleds are notorious for bad slider wear.. Would like to remedy that at the same time.

Also heard something about better exhaust doughnuts. Might as well fix that while i am in there. Anyone help me with this one

IMO, excell's X wheels and copper doughnuts.
coach i had the ice tech track on the 07 apex last year loved it it gives you just a little extra bite when you need it the most the full clipped design adds to slide life and it has no sacrifice. the ice tech is 1 inch lug and only weighs a couple pounds more then the stock rip saw track
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