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First service??

Must have been a mix up. They just left a message.....$870. and boy did he say it fast. Lol!

Oh well. I guess I'll invest in "the sucker" next time.

Guys with yes extended service. Make sure you bring your warranty card to get it filled out. May as well, right?
I was $257 for all 1st service stuff, including supplies, Thunder roller install, checking clutches, and last minute accessory install.
Big shout out to TA Motorsports!
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I did my own, I devoted a Saturday to learn and look over my sled.
I pulled out the owners manual, and went down the list one by one.
Yamaha oil change kit was around $66 and I used some 75w gear oil for the chaincase. I took pics of the miles and hours and printed them out and put it in my sidewinder folder. When warranty is up, I'll switch to Amsoil.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
So why do U think amsoil is better I’m just wondering for my own personal education...
I was $257 for all 1st service stuff, including supplies, Thunder roller install, checking clutches, and last minute accessory install.
Big shout out to TA Motorsports!
Is that Canadian or American currency?
