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Flashing Green drive light while in motion


Feb 7, 2015
Venture MP
Over the last 2-3 weeks, the green drive light has ocassionally flashed a few times while sledding. This happens soon after starting off and stops within a few minutes. It flashes 2-6 times, randomly and then is steady. This has happened about 5 times. I also had a problem with the sled being stuck in between forward and reverse on startup. I turned it off and on several times but it wouldn't shift and would balk when the throttle was applied. Track would not turn. Finally I left it running for about 5 minutes and when I came back it was making a funny whining sound but clunked into reverse when I applied some gas. It has not done that again in the past two weeks.

I'm not sure what this all means. We get a lot of ice buildup. Could that be the problem? Maybe this is an early warning that something is wearing and will soon let go? I did read some alarming posts about replacing failed secondary clutches somewhere here.

Any thoughts? Something to take to the dealers immediately? Something I can easily inspect and fix? Nothing to be concerned about?

I'm quite familiar with the forward/reverse rock the sled problem and this is something different.

Oh yes, it's an 07 MP with about 2700 km on it and no maintenance except for the oil filter change. But that's another issue

Yes my 07 has had the green light flicker once in a while also !
It has 8500km on it , only difference was it was cold about -20
Any solutions / causes ?
It could related to the "push the button and nothing happens" reverse issue. I think it could be a problem with the forward gear sensor switch in the reverse gear box. I want to experiment with a thinner gasket washer so the sensor makes better contact with the shift fork.

Mine's been flickering like that for years with no ill effect except possibly the above issue. When I make the mod and the results are positive, I'll post up an article for the FAQ.
I just finished modding my forward gear sensor switch and it was interesting. After I got the switch out, I did some measurements. The depth of the shift fork to the switch is 14.57mm. The switch length from switch tip to the aluminum washer gasket is 15.45mm. That means the fork is pushing the switch in by only 1.12mm. The switch has the ability to be pushed in 2.45mm. So to max out contact pressure, I changed the 2mm thick aluminum washer with one that's 0.79mm thick. So I'm adding 1.21mm for a total of 2.33mm of switch push in. Perfect.

And the switch is really not a switch but a contact point. When the shift fork contacts the switch, the ground passes through the tip to the connector end.

Haven't tried it out yet but I have a feeling I won't see the F light flicker anymore and probably the issue of pushing the button and nothing happens will be gone.

Here are a few pics.
20150224_210221 (Large).jpg20150224_210301 (Large).jpg 20150224_210652 (Large).jpg 20150224_212708 (Large).jpg
I used Teflon pipe sealer since the thinner washer was steel.
Went on a ride yesterday and I still have the flashing green light. Now I'm at a complete loss on how to figure this one out.
One thing I noticed is that it seems to do it more when decelerating. I also still get the "push the button and nothing happens" but now I can just rock the sled back and forth and it works. Don't have to shut down and restart.

I give up. :o|
And as usual I don't chek when the thread is created. Someone might find thos useful anyway....


Since you all has been very helpful with good tips how to fix this and that. I feel it's my time to maybe give something in return. This is what happened to my reverse gear on my 2007 VL.
I got intermittent green flash and mostly when decelerating. Sometimes it also got out of gear or how i shall explain it. it. I took it apart to check and found that the motor for switching forward/reverse was cracked. Put in a new, same result. took it apart again and saw that the fork for the clutch was bent. Probably over heated by the look of it. For some reason the reverse gear did not get oil enough, level was ok in the chain case. Changed to a used gear case since the parts needed was more expencive than the used part. Now I run it with a little higher oil level and it has worked fine for two sasons. Maybe this can be the issue with your machine. BR/ Kenneth
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Interesting. Thank you for your experiences. I replaced the oil pipe and grommet even though mine wasn't leaking. Now you got me wanting to take mine apart. :cool:
hi everybody. i have the same issue in my MP 2007 (8700 KM) sometime the green light turn off few second when i decelerating. i'm a little bit stressed about it,i do'nt want stay stuck with it !! ,does some one have found the problem ? thanks a lots for your anwsers.
Well, according to Dalarma above, his was caused by a bent shift fork. Mine has been flashing for years and occasionally can't shift into reverse (push button nothing happens), which is the only issue with it. I don't think you'll get stranded with it. If you start hearing noises, like a gear skipping, then it's teardown time.
Well, according to Dalarma above, his was caused by a bent shift fork. Mine has been flashing for years and occasionally can't shift into reverse (push button nothing happens), which is the only issue with it. I don't think you'll get stranded with it. If you start hearing noises, like a gear skipping, then it's teardown time.
Thanks, i'll sleep better !! I'll wait the end of the winter and i'll inspect the gearbox and change the fork if it's bent.
Have a 08 Venture Lite which today is having an issue with the Drive Light Flashing, wont go in forward and won't go in reverse, when I give it throttle behaves like the TORS is kicking in but no code 84. When I took it out of storage yesterday it didn't want to go in D or R and the only way to get those gears engaged was starting and shutting off the engine until it worked. Is there an adjustment on the reverse solenoid or reverse motor? Curious if anyone has had this problem. Had issues in the past with no reverse but a shim and belt swap took care of it until now.
Is it possible that my flashing green light is caused because it is stuck between gears? Tried several suggestions today but no luck still flashing but will lunge forward under throttle behaving like a TORS engaging.
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not that i am aware of. might just be sticky from sitting.
That's the behaviour when it's trying to shift from reverse to forward and the dog gears won't engage. The usual workaround is to rock the sled back and forth or to lift the rear end while it's idling.

If even that fails, take the belt off, start the engine and turn the secondary clutch by hand. If it seems to be properly engaged and the track moves forward, it could be the forward sensor switch or wiring. If it still seems to be in reverse, either the shift motor is not working or the gear box itself has an issue.

Hopefully the gear box hasn't been damaged due to lack of lube caused by a leak due to a faulty oil pipe seal that was updated.

Check the FAQ. There are a few threads regarding the gear box.
