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Friggin' Mice!! (RX Exhaust question)

Aug 20, 2004
New Jersey
When I start the RX up, it seems like a mouse has stored some sort of cat or hamster food in the right side (when looking from the rear of the sled) exhaust pipe. There is quite a bit coming out, and only wish I had video taped the part when I took the drive belt off and really revved it up to 10k. It was a 30 foot spray of solid cat food.

My question is how can I make sure that all of the food is out, and why is it only coming out of the right side.

When I briefly looked under the sled, it looks like both pipes go into one common muffler. Can I remove the muffler and make sure no mice got choked out and died in there. As well as check for anything else that may be "stored" in there.


Man, I thought you just bought your RX-1? Sorry about the mouse thing... Hope you have better luck.......
I did just buy it. Not that I'm upset about it, I thought it was funny watching it spray rodent food 30 feet. Then while it was idling it looked like a popcorn machine. Every few revolutions a piece or two of food would 'burble' out.

But I just want to make sure it's all cleared out.

MightyWarrior said:
Turbo50Mike said:
why is it only coming out of the right side.

Because the mouse didn't put any in the left side :D

I thought that, too. But then I look underneath, and it looks to have one large, common muffler. But I could be wrong. I was going to try and remove it and shake it out.

Can I just remove that muffler, or does the whole exhaust have to come out.

Next time leave one or two of box's of cat litter around your sled it will suck up any moisture around the area as well as keeping rodent's away especially mice.

Is that you at SHANNONVILLE?IN YOUR AVATAR,just wondering.

:yam: :4STroke: :rocks:
That is me in the avatar, but at the Pocono FUSA course.

Here I am at MoSport in Canada...That is a FAST track...

JDKRXW said:
Turbo50Mike said:
I took the drive belt off and really revved it up to 10k.

Mike; buddy, you're lucky you didn't have a 30 foot spray of clutch parts doing this.

Was that a bad idea? Would it be better to put the belt on and jack up the rear and just let the track spin?

Just leave whats left, if there is anything left it should dry up and eventually find its way out. I find dead mice in furnaces on occasion, they are pretty light when they dry out. A few full throttle runs and it should be cleared out. Hopefully.
Moguls will bounce the rest out. The muffler is not just a big can with 2 pipes sticking out, it has baffles inside, plus some type of material, the mice just didnt go in that far. When I store my sled, I always throw some poison around it, plus i put moth balls in some of my wifes old hose and hang around the sled, keeps the insects away. I have found mice in my tractor in the spring before. I just thought that maybe some type of heavy cloth and some rubberbands would also work.
Turbo50Mike said:
Would it be better to put the belt on and jack up the rear and just let the track spin?

Much better idea. With no load on the engine (instant rev up) the clutch hammers together with unbelievable force. If you are going to spin the track for more than a few seconds, spay your garden hose at the sliders.
Man.... have you got some awesome pics. there ;)!
Mice..... I had that problem a long time ago when the built a nest in the exhaust of my 90 Exciter. It took me 1/2 year to figure why I didn't have any power, they pluged the exhaust. Now when I store my sled for ANY length of time I just stuff news paper in the ends.
