Gwinn Mi Ride... who want to ride?

Me and my wife will be in Munising that weekend for our honeymoon, but we are planning on riding or trailering over to ride with you at least one of the days. Which day would be the best?
To anyone on the fence this is always a great ride. Very little traffic and great trails. I will be there again with my old man even though I won't be riding my own sled :o|.
To anyone on the fence this is always a great ride. Very little traffic and great trails. I will be there again with my old man even though I won't be riding my own sled :o|.
But at least your riding :) Its going to be a great ride!!
But at least your riding :) Its going to be a great ride!!
True... We are going to be there early afternoon on Thursday and will probably ride somewhere for dinner. I took Monday off too so we can ride on Sunday.
True... We are going to be there early afternoon on Thursday and will probably ride somewhere for dinner. I took Monday off too so we can ride on Sunday.

Cool.. Ill try and get there as soon as I can on Thursday Eve, might have to come thru with the truck to the Upnorth Lodge.
You guys still riding out by Gwinn this weekend (30/31 Jan - 01 Feb)?
Mr.Sled my husband I are staying in Ishpeming with another couple that weekend, maybe we'll run across you on the trail.
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Looks like about 6 of us riding out of Gwinn this weekend?
Sounds good. I'll watch for you guys.
Mr.Sled Tim will be on his Nytro and we'll be riding with 2 Arctic Cats, hopefully we'll see you all on the trail. Wish we were riding with you all. Have fun!
