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hauck power yamaha fuel accelerator and ram air lid

Lost power on the dyno with no air lid. That is with PC3 and Timing Module and Wideband. So other tuning was tried. (made 225hp/160ftlbs with NOS and a FIX air lid!! Nitrous spraying everywhere out it!)

My question about the air lid is....at say 80+ mph, how does aerodynamics come into play? Is their a 'void' above the air box? An area of NO pressure? Food for thought. Just like in the box of a pickup truck...or even better yet, your windshield wipers....why don't they blow off at 80 mph? And why do your wipers not wipe as well at 80mph? There is definitely not as much wind pressure there as you would think...more negative pressure if anything.

My .02c worth...
87 you bring up some excellent observations and questions regarding ramair and testing. One of the biggest challenges with dyno testing is simulating the effects of a passing air stream. It has been tried many times over the years and on many different applications. Some with better results than others. Many of the effects you describe can be explained, although some explanations would require an understanding of engineering techniques and methods along with a good understanding of aerodynamics. For the layman this isn't really necessary. What is important is whether the machine runs faster or not. The simplest way for the average rider to see if something works or not is to run a before and after test with a control sled or use a timing system. Once again, the orientation of the ramair inlet on the Apex isn't "ideal" for horsepower production. Once again, in my experiance, I gained performance.

One note about the use of NOS and the reversion you saw. I would be curious to know whether this was constant or did it disappear as RPM's increased. My guess is that it dissipated as RPM's increased. Planning on adding a system this year myself. ;)!
I think this will help with the ram air. LOL


  • 2010-09-19_17-14-42_402.jpg
    85.2 KB · Views: 119
TD ya might have something there. Now THAT will catch some air. Not very stylish though. Might have to work on some different color options. And don't forget to make it affordable! ;):D

MPI lookout!
