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Headlights & Taillights don't always come on when starti


Feb 28, 2011
Barrie, Ont Canada
Hello guys...newbie here.

Just bought an 08 RTX with about 3500 miles on it. Sled is in great shape and I've logged about 300 miles on it so far.

My question is that I’ve had an intermittent problem with my headlight and taillights. When I start it up the lights don't always come on. I have to turn it off and on several times before they come on. Both are off together..so I’m thinking a faulty ignition switch or load control relay. Since they're both affected, it must be something common to both.

I've done a search here, but can't find anything on this problem. Anybody else here experience this or know what's causing this?



It might be a frozen relay. Once the sled warms up the relay opens and the lights come on. Mine did the same thing after I washed it and the relay froze that night. Take a air dryer to the relay and dry it. Just a thought.
It's happening after the sled has been riden for some time...so plenty of warm up. It wasn't washed or nothing the night before, and it's sitting in my garage where it's not to cold before I head out.

I think you're on the right track though as a relay being the cause. It has to be one that's common to both head and tail light.
The only time that the power is common-ed up is from power block to load control relay then goes to the relay then to separate fuses 20A for headlights and 7.5A for taillights from there they are separate from each other.
So what are you saying there Weapon?? Both head and tail fail to come on when starting, but not all the time.

Is it safe to say that it's the load control relay that is common to both that would be the culprit? According to the trouble shooting in the service manual for both head and tail, it's either ignition switch or load control relay that is common to both. There is a headlight relay, but I don't think it is also wired to the tail light..or is it??
