Heated shield confusion


Nov 17, 2011
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Hello all. Hoping someone here has a explanation for whats going on. So my girlfriend was riding my 14 viper other day and said her heated HJC sheild quit working. So did some looking on her sheild all seemed well. Have continuity in wires. Ohm at .3-5 from plug to rivets on sheild.
Well then i checked wiring from plug to battery and had burnt wires. I was like huh. Well maybe something grounded out or rubbed threw. So put new wire from battery. Bought a plug to mount in cowl thought all good. Plug her helmet in and the wires get hot fast. Whats the skinny here?? Anyone have thoughts?
My buddy’s wife’s nytro used to do this all the time with direct wire to battery. Never figured it out just doesn’t make sense. Somehow the battery was sending voltage spikes to heated shield. Ended up running to accessories plug on nytro. But in your case just buy the heated shield adapter and plug into accessories plug by right footwell. It’s a keyed voltage regulated 12v source.
Hello all. Hoping someone here has a explanation for whats going on. So my girlfriend was riding my 14 viper other day and said her heated HJC sheild quit working. So did some looking on her sheild all seemed well. Have continuity in wires. Ohm at .3-5 from plug to rivets on sheild.
Well then i checked wiring from plug to battery and had burnt wires. I was like huh. Well maybe something grounded out or rubbed threw. So put new wire from battery. Bought a plug to mount in cowl thought all good. Plug her helmet in and the wires get hot fast. Whats the skinny here?? Anyone have thoughts?
With only the information you provided the only conclusion would be a bad helmet/shield. The voltage at the battery would be fine. You explained that the wires got very hot very quickly. What size wire and fuse did you install attached to the +battery post. If you went direct with out a fuse you need to remove that install and rethink what you are doing.
I did not fuse it. But i have had the sled since new and didn't fuse it the first time either. Plug my helmet in and no issues. Just hers. Again makes no sense. Took her visor apart checked all wires. Nothing broke or grounded out. Good continuity.
I used the the wire that they give you with a heated shield wiring kit. Which i think is to small a gauge but thats what ya get. Just dont get why it just her sheild thats messed up.
It's always a good idea to fuse all accessory lines. I would say a bad shield or the wire/plug in at the shield. Did you try plugging a different RCA cable to her shield?
Rocztoyz makes a very nice product called a Smart Supply. I have one on each of the sleds. 2 RCA and 2 USB ports. Tees into the lighter socket wiring.
It's always a good idea to fuse all accessory lines. I would say a bad shield or the wire/plug in at the shield. Did you try plugging a different RCA cable to her shield?
Yes i did. Tried the new cable that came with wiring kit
"Plug my helmet in and no issues".....You answered your own question. Your GF heated shield is bad. It happens. I'd send it back to where I bought it
Plug her helmet into your sled?
"Plug my helmet in and no issues".....You answered your own question. Your GF heated shield is bad. It happens. I'd send it back to where I bought it
Yeah i hear ya just dont make sense. Helmet only been used at most 6 times
Sucks for sure. Take that baby back if you can
