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How Do you rate your APEX sled?? POLL


TY 4 Stroke God
May 14, 2003
Kieler wis.
this is how i rate it.. lets see how you rate it.. (scale from 1-10) 1 being the worst

POWER.. 9.5
RIDE 9.5

Thing i like the most about the sled is how light it feels even though it isnt!

The thing i dislike the most is the handwarmers and look of aftermarket windshields! I wish it had 10hp more... and handled just slightly better in the twistys..

I would agree for the most part maybe rate power at 8. It has great throttle responce but thats not HP.
Handling, ride, ergonomics, and fit and finish 9 at best. Overall probably the best snowmobile I've owned to date. :D
I would agree for the most part maybe rate power at 8. It has great throttle responce but thats not HP.
Handling, ride, ergonomics, and fit and finish 9 at best. Overall probably the best snowmobile I've owned to date. :D

I AGREE AFTER RIDING ONE!!!!! :bling :bling :bling
welterracer said:
this is how i rate it.. lets see how you rate it.. (scale from 1-10) 1 being the worst

POWER.. 9.5
RIDE 9.5

Thing i like the most about the sled is how light it feels even though it isnt!

The thing i dislike the most is the handwarmers and look of aftermarket windshields! I wish it had 10hp more... and handled just slightly better in the twistys..

I pretty much rate mine the same, except for my Attak, I rated the handling (pushing in the corners) a 7, till I put the transfer to 1 line above max. and put C&A Ultra Pros on the front. Now it rated a 9.5
Power 9
Handling 7
Ride 7
Ergonomics 10
Fit and Finish 7

Fit and finish gets a 7 simply because of the lack of mirrors and the ineffective stock windshield. I'm totally bullshit about having to spend $79.00 on a new windshield because Mother Yamaha thought it best to put on a completely rediculous ineffective windshield simply because it looks COOL - I can think of much better things to do with that $79.00.
Best snowmobile I've had ever, no question, despite the rediculousness of non working handwarmers and no windshield. I'm also not happy about the dealers being out of the HD springs and optional windshields. But the riding position, the handling, the motor......the motor are worth the price of admission.
I rate mine as follows:

Power: 9
Handling: 10
Ride: 9
Ergonomics: 10
Fit and Finish: 10

The power is good, After 1100 miles, however I am used to it and now want more power. Most likely a supercharger next season.

Handling is great also. I had a darting issue, but after putting in a pair of Woody's duallies, darting is now no more and it ate the twistied up. Even in the icy corners. I have my shocks set at 65psi and transfer at MID. I wasted everyone in the trees.

The ride is the best Yamaha suspension I have ever had. The mid sized and down moguls were just taps on the handlebars. I think I heard alot of racheting on the large moguls. ( 2-3 feet high ) That or it might have been the track slapping the rails. I was the only one in the group who wanted to keep riding. Not sore or tired. We were on some nasty crap. The wind was a little much at speeds above 80-90mph. I may be chainging to the mid highth. The warmers were okay. I never got cold hands. In fact, If you hold the RPMS at above 8 or 9, they will burn your hands and thumb. Gotta vary the rpm's to moderate the heat.

Ergs: Totally great. How I ever drove anything else is beyond me. The sled and me felt so right together that I could have stayed on the sled all day and night easy. Yeas, we got married a few days ago. lol

Fit and Finish: A peice of art.

Power is an 8, I would of like to see 160 in this beast because of the weight factor.
If you guys are crabing about the low windshield why did you buy it? I have the GT and wear a Modular and BV2S from Bombi. I haven't felt the wind yet. Maybe my GT is just slow but I'm not sure of your complaint.
I rate my Attak a 9.5 in all categories. The few product problems are a minor as long as they get addressed promptly by Yamaha. The thing that drives me batshit is the pain in the butt to take apart those @#$&$ panels etc. to check basic stuff like antifreeze. I sure hope I don't have to do it on the trail at 20 below in the dark! studdog. Those Dru fasteners suck.
1999cobra said:
Fit and finish gets a 7 simply because of the lack of mirrors and the ineffective stock windshield. I'm totally bullshit about having to spend $79.00 on a new windshield because Mother Yamaha thought it best to put on a completely rediculous ineffective windshield simply because it looks COOL - I can think of much better things to do with that $79.00.

Any "good dealer" would of taken your stock unused windshield in on trade against a higher one.
flyingpig said:
If you guys are crabing about the low windshield why did you buy it? I have the GT and wear a Modular and BV2S from Bombi. I haven't felt the wind yet. Maybe my GT is just slow but I'm not sure of your complaint.

If you squeeze the trottle once, you'll know. lol


Rotax! said:
Power is an 8, I would of like to see 160 in this beast because of the weight factor.

At 150 hp and at it's current weight the Apex out performed the Lighter and more Powerful sleds at the shootout.

Would 160 to 200 Hp be nice?? Yes it would but the Power to weight isn't a factor according to the shootout results.
Roadrunner said:
1999cobra said:
Fit and finish gets a 7 simply because of the lack of mirrors and the ineffective stock windshield. I'm totally bullshit about having to spend $79.00 on a new windshield because Mother Yamaha thought it best to put on a completely rediculous ineffective windshield simply because it looks COOL - I can think of much better things to do with that $79.00.

Any "good dealer" would of taken your stock unused windshield in on trade against a higher one.

Well see that's the ticket "Good Dealer" know what I mean...
dirkdiggler said:
Rotax! said:
Power is an 8, I would of like to see 160 in this beast because of the weight factor.

At 150 hp and at it's current weight the Apex out performed the Lighter and more Powerful sleds at the shootout.

Would 160 to 200 Hp be nice?? Yes it would but the Power to weight isn't a factor according to the shootout results.

where can we get the shootout results?
