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How far can I ride when the "Little gas" light tur

I got stuck in the middle of nowhere when mine came on at one point. I had to ride 25 miles to fill up. I filled up and put 8,.6 gallons in.
I have ridden 45 miles twice after the low fuel light came on(2005 RX-1). Each time it took 10.5 gallons, so it is larger then a 10 gallon tank. Last bar on fuel gage never went away. But last year on my 2004 Warrior, the last bar would disappear, and I would only take 8.5 gallons to fill up. Seems on the 2005 RX-1 the last bar never goes away. Has anyone else put more then 10.5 gallons in to fill the tank up? Last year I usually rode with a friend who had a 700 Polaris, so I would fill up when he had to. This year he has a RX-1 also, so we sometimes run a little longer between stops then we probably should.
When my light is on, with no bars I put in just a little over 8 gallons. So giving the milage at the low end of 15mpg, 30 miles. Last year w/Impala we made it 62 miles when down to one bar and the light on, for a total of 176 miles on the tank, took 9.3 gallons to fill it back up.
If you look at your gage you will see that the gage shows 8 blocks, thats 8 gal with a 2 gal reserve.

The low fuel light comes on when the gage steps down to the last block, therefore you should have 3 gal's left at that time.

That worked with my 03 and 05 and is accurate.

If you over fill your tank, it will take longer for the first block to go out and each block represents one gal.
My light comes on when I have 2 blocks left and there is 3 Gallons of fuel left at this point. I had a situation this year when the light came on as I pulled into the gas station so I was able to accurately measure how much was left.
It Will Go all the way to where the engine will Quit! Which is pretty handy considering that is where your goin...lol just jokin
Indy said:
When my light is on, with no bars I put in just a little over 8 gallons. So giving the milage at the low end of 15mpg, 30 miles. Last year w/Impala we made it 62 miles when down to one bar and the light on, for a total of 176 miles on the tank, took 9.3 gallons to fill it back up.

Wow, nearly 19 mpg. Didn't think it was that good, but then again, I've never checked.
I'vehad my light come on just as I was pulling up to the store in front of our house.........and the light comes on with one bar showing. It took 6.9 gal. to fill up. Another time I'd ridden 23 mi. with the light on and only took 7.8 to fill up. Consensus seems to be that it comes on with approx. 3 gal. left. ;)!
Suisse Sledder said:
One anomaly I recently witnessed was a Vector showing 5 bars of fuel left while my sled showed only 3 bars of fuel left. When we filled up at the station, the Vector only put in .4 gallons less than me. :shock:

I imagine there are no two gas guages calibrated the same.
I just got back from a trip in Quebec where my light came on intermittently for about 15mi then was on solid (on flat terrain). I had no choice but to keep going another 20+ in rather hilly terrain. I kinda babied it and put 38.6L in when we finally got to town. The last bar never went out and according to the manual, the fuel capacity is 38.0L so :shock: :shock:
(I did fill it way up into the neck though.)
