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How long will you wait?

Back to the original question .....Why would you want to"bail" out?

Think I've just had too much time to second guess myself. This is allot of money for me, it's worth twice as much as my wife's current car for Christ's sake! The way prices are going this is likely going to be my last new Sled, they are pricing the working class out of the sport. I know if your going to play you have to pay but I worry that it's a little too much AC and too little Yamaha, I don't want to have a lemon because I can't afford to trade every couple years. I need a machine that lasts and is reliable like my Nytro has been. That's why warranty is important to me as well, damn important. It's also why I chose to ride a Yamaha 4 stroke, reliability and cost of ownership. I feel like I'm sticking my neck out a little bit too far buying a first year hybrid. I really wanted to like the 1200 Doo I test rode, it was the safest most proven machine I could have chosen. It just doesn't compare to the fun factor of the Viper I rode, not even close. My grandmother and grandfather would love that 1200 but it's not for me. Just growing impatient and have some reservations about my decision. I will likely wait for it but when they have told me October delivery for the past 6 months I expect it in October. I mean it when I say I will never spring order again, I hate waiting.
Bail? I think not.... I don't understand what all the hurry is? November hell I don't care as long as I get it before The snow flies!!! :die :die :Rockon:
I believe I saw a truckload heading east on Hwy 29 this weekend. It caught my eye since they were not crated just in Plastic bags. It wont be long Hunter.
October aint over yet.

Your buyer's remorse will disappear the first time you hit the flipper.
I obviously have no idea the logistics will work between Yamaha and Arctic Cat, but I would assume that Minnesota dealers might see vipers sooner than most? Probably shipping direct from the factory instead of through a distribution center?
Arctic Cat isn't starting their ZR7000 builds until the first and second week of November, so I'm sure you'll be seeing the Vipers first.
Grimm said:
Arctic Cat isn't starting their ZR7000 builds until the first and second week of November, so I'm sure you'll be seeing the Vipers first.

I was referring to Minnesota Yamaha dealers seeing Vipers before say Yamaha dealers on the west or east coast.

And I'm pretty sure Cat is building the 7000's as we speak and will be shipping to dealers towards the middle of November...don't quote me on that, but I'm fairly certain.

I'm kind of anxious to see the 7000 as well...a good friend ordered one so I should be able to post some cool comparisons. They'll both be in my speed shop before you know it.
According to "Krom" over on AC's forum:

"What I'm seeing for spring ordered sleds"

ZR 5000 lxr 8/15
ZR 6000 11/12
ZR 7000 lxr 11/8
ZR 7000 le 11/6

ZR 8000 LE 6/21
ZR 9000 6/18

XF 7000 137 10/28
XF 8000's have already arrived
XF 9000 137 6/28
XF 9000 137 le 8/13

It doesn't look like they've starting to build the 7000 series yet, but we do know that the Vipers have started.
Some 7000's have been built. The XF 7000 141's are already showing up at dealers. It looks like they went down the line before the 137's.
Based on the conversation with the rep I had at the NH grass drags, the east coast distribution center in NJ should be seeing vipers starting Friday. That being said, MN dealers should probably start seeing them around the same time frame. Deer I looked over every inch of that sled, the only thing I'm leary about is the small button for the electric reverse. I'm giving my custom built RX1 a break for my first brand new sled and I'm quite confident in what it's going to be! As far as the doos, went riding with some friends in Maine last year. My RX1 vs 6 doos. At the end of the weekend, it was my RX1 and 4 doos left. One of them that survived was purchased because his last rev chassis twisted in a chaincase failure. I'll pay more for Yamaha quality any day!
I'm waiting it out. My dealer is a smaller business and I wouldn't be surprised if they were one of the last to get there snowcheck orders filled.

My AC is still for sale and I'll ride it if it doesn't sell......and if it does..........I'll ride the quad until the Viper shows up.

Either way, I'll still be riding and the cash will be collecting interest !!....LOL !! Not to mention we are at least a month away from any snowfall good enough to put a new machine on.
