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how old are you APEX/ATTACK riders

yip ee ky aaaa ride on :)

Buddies say they will strap me to a sled when I'm 100 & point me down the trail. As long as the thumb still works I agree. I get older every year & riding buddies get younger for some reason. Not much to it just pull the trigger WOT & stop to eat & pee.
apexrtx006 said:
finally some one as young as me ha ha

How old are you?

rxrider's 43

'08 Apex RTX, eh the suspension needs to be upgraded, I'm driving to damn hard in the nasties it bottoms out uhhhhh, time to slow down my pace, no way I'm not that old. Great sled :) for a young guy hahaha
40 tomorrow,should i feel different when i wake up ?
