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I'm sorry....


Dec 27, 2013
Figured out the only thing worse than owning a 2smoke is following one....went from an 02 Poo XCSP to an 09 Nyrto XTX recently. My wife was immediately happy to get the oil/smoke smell out of the house and garage.

Rode with my neighbor (700 Vmax...at least it was a Yammie) this weekend and followed him because he knew the route....was like following someone with pepper spray coming out the pipe. I walked in the house with my new Klim bibs smelling like I was at an indoor go-cart race all day.

So....for every 4stroke that had to follow me last year, I'm sorry

My riding buddy has a 600 Rush, when I am following I drop way back - becoming indignant about the exhaust on those things.
Everyone thinks I am slow. Just trying to avoid shortening my life inhaling that crap.lol
I find I get nautious following them for too long and I ride MX but it doesn't seem to affect me then. Followed an 800etec last weekend and could hardly wait to get in front.
I hate following synthetic oil burners. makes me think it's my hyfax!
We followed a pair of mid-90's poos a couple weeks ago. I don't wonder at all why they were getting single digit mileage. They had to have been blowing raw fuel out their exhaust!
Its funny but I know when I am catching up to one when riding. I can smell em. Better than radar. lol
Its just amazing . I used to love the 2smoke smell. It was like heaven on earth. Sledding all day, park the sled in the garage and everything smelt of a great day of riding.
Now I can't stand that stench!
Can smell them stinkers a mile ahead of me in the trails.
Had to follow 2 ACs last year for a day because they were insistant that they new the route better than I did. I had such a headache when I got home. Then I wondered how I ever spent the weekend driving my old 2smoker and loving that smell. Just amazing how things have changed for me since I made the switch to 4s.
This is so funny and true. I have 2 sets of riding gear helmets goggles and all. One set for every day up north riding and one set for when I go to the bay with the kids to ride around and watch races. I too used to love the smell and sound, now it gives me a long lasting headache.
makes you wonder how "efficient" those two strokes actually are with the direct injections and all the fancy emissions technology...i will just stick to my 4 stroke
Last week I was reading this and thinking I have never really noticed 2 stroke smoke that bad. Yesterday I was behind a 13 800 Cat and a 600 Backcountry. I thought to myself, whats that smell?? Checked my guage then realized it was their exhaust and then I immediatly thought of this thread!
2 stroke smell ain't great. Especailly when a pack of them goes by. Yami spoils us.
I am the first out of my enclosed trailer if two strokes are with. They know don't load while I am in there. Funny! Or they don't get asked to go with again.
p0wd3rp1l0t said:
makes you wonder how "efficient" those two strokes actually are with the direct injections and all the fancy emissions technology...i will just stick to my 4 stroke

Actually, the two 600 ETECs in our group get better mileage than my Apex and usually better than the Phazer as well.
When I am easy on my 800 E-Tec I am getting 18-19mpg. No joke. Things change when I get into the loud handle though. :)
