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Impressive numbers from PUSH!!!

scott32 said:
DOG, you have spent alot of money on 220hp if the Push turns out to be the real deal. Push was with Yamaha on the mountain turbo nytros while mpi had the supers. Correct? If Push was trusted before, why not now? Do they have reason to lie and fib their numbers? To bad nobody here is running one.

Yes I spent "A TON" I could have bought a ralley car and driven all yr for what I have in it. When I made the decission in October there was no info on the Push and have not heard anything about them till I was at Pat's Yamaha in Greenland MI on the TY ride but the kit they were installing then was 190 hp at 7#'s so how this happened is a mystery. The 1 Pats has left is only 190 and I would not know why they would have use less hp. This must be a new kit for 2015 cause kip is selling new ltx with turbo and gauges added for 17900 installed out the door + tax
I wouldn't go over 200 hp without the modifications Yamadog has done to his motor, but that's just me.
WOT is correct.

I only did it cause I blew mine up and had to replace the pistons, block and valves. Only extra cost was the carillo rods. Then the upgraded waste gate fuel pump and boost switch to go 9#s. I have been told by many that the stock CAT fuel pump in these cannot supply enough fuel for 7#'s let alone 225 hp out of a stock motor.
There has been some issue's here and there with the Viper's at 6 or so LB. I just had a conversation with Allan Ulmer on this and asked him why the Viper's were not dealing with boost as well as the four holer's? He thinks it's because of the bigger boar and long stroke causing high cylinder temps. That results in less power and more prone to detonation. That all considered I would say 12.8 HP/LB boost is BS and any one buying one thinking they are getting 225 HP at that boost is going to be very disappointed. Also even at 6 LB I would stay on the rich side and remember there is no deto censor to save you.
Yamadog, I would say your boost/HP number's are in line with reality. 12.8 HP/LB?

I agree my issue was blamed on me but I believe the same thing about this motor. In its stock form you are asking for trouble pushing it to 7#'s Mine and others have gone at 6#'s. I was running so rich that I was getting and still am about 8 to 9 mpg.

You have to take compression out of it - with no knock censor the crappy fuel even at 91 octane is too risky depending on how long it as in the ground tank. With that much compression on a stock motor the detonation is taking place early. even though the AFR reads good #'s we have no idea what is really happening inside this motor in this setup (CAT ECU) I know they have pushed it in the nytro without problems but my experience and others were seeing the same #'s 10.9 to 11.4 WOT and still the results were lean burn downs.

I now carry torco octane booster and 10 gallons of 110 race fuel. When I leave I ad 2 gallons of 110 to 8 of 91 and when I am out on the trail I add 1/2 bottle of booster to tank of 91 just to be safe. I know I run the risk of burning up my oxygen censor but that is cheap compared to another motor.
It takes fuel and air to make power no mater how it gets in to the cylinder. So even if push has figured out a way to make this happen at 7 LB and 225HP the fuel and the air has to be there and in these motor's in stock form that is trouble.
I have 1200 miles on my viper ltx se with a push turbo on it since day one (0 miles). I have been running 7# all year long and couldn't be happier so far.
Blown Up said:
I have 1200 miles on my viper ltx se with a push turbo on it since day one (0 miles). I have been running 7# all year long and couldn't be happier so far.

Just curious were you sold the 225 hp version? are you running gauges? does yours have intercooler? I have not seen a single post on here this season from anyone running them.
Blown Up said:
I have 1200 miles on my viper ltx se with a push turbo on it since day one (0 miles). I have been running 7# all year long and couldn't be happier so far.

Is this the 210+kit as advertised in the link I posted or the 180+ kit
Waht I don't get is they call it a 210+ kit but the dyno sheet clearly shows over 225 hp at 8900 rpms. In a marketing sense this makes no sense is it a 210 kit or a 225 kit or is this pull done on a motor with other mods?
kviper said:
There has been some issue's here and there with the Viper's at 6 or so LB. I just had a conversation with Allan Ulmer on this and asked him why the Viper's were not dealing with boost as well as the four holer's? He thinks it's because of the bigger boar and long stroke causing high cylinder temps. That results in less power and more prone to detonation. That all considered I would say 12.8 HP/LB boost is BS and any one buying one thinking they are getting 225 HP at that boost is going to be very disappointed. Also even at 6 LB I would stay on the rich side and remember there is no deto censor to save you.
Yamadog, I would say your boost/HP number's are in line with reality. 12.8 HP/LB?

If they are pulling timing can they not achieve this. Other kits have done this to use 91 instead of 50/50 fuel on higher boost levels.
Yes they can but it does not say anything about sending the ecu in for reflash. I am still trying to figure out how the hurricane system with no intercooler or ecu reflash is running 6#'s at 190 hp with 97 octane?
Yamadog said:
Yes they can but it does not say anything about sending the ecu in for reflash. I am still trying to figure out how the hurricane system with no intercooler or ecu reflash is running 6#'s at 190 hp with 97 octane?

My guess is if the secret was out everybody would be doing it. There are alot of capitolists, and competition in the market as it grows.
Yamadog said:
Waht I don't get is they call it a 210+ kit but the dyno sheet clearly shows over 225 hp at 8900 rpms. In a marketing sense this makes no sense is it a 210 kit or a 225 kit or is this pull done on a motor with other mods?

Perhaps detuned slightly to not keep it strung out for everyday use but has extended capabilities for race situation? Dunno? I think their 180 kit in the Mountain Nytros also was understated as it produced 190ish.
