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Intense or Backcountry for 2007 Attak


Feb 24, 2013
Reaction score
So after A LOT of reasearch I am a little closer to deciding which track I want to run for next year but am not all the way there yet. I have narrowed it down to either the Intense 1.5X136" or the Backcountry 1.75X136". My riding style is aggressive and as of right now i'm about 70% trail and 30% off trail but by next year i can see that switching to 50/50 or even more off trail. From what i am reading the intense sounds like a pretty good all around track. I would love to have the extra traction of the 1.75" but am worried about the durability on the hardpacked trails. When I do ride on the trails it is usually with my girlfriends parents so riding is not that fast (50mph tops) but I just do not want to have half my lugs torn off in 2 seasons of riding. And i will definately be running scratchers with either of these tracks. Does anyone have any opinions on these 2 tracks and which would be best suited for me? Any and all opinions will be appreciated! Thanks! Oh and BTW if my track choices seem off feel free to suggest another!
I have a 1.75"x 136" backcountry on my 03 rx1. It was on it when I bought it last year. I do about 50/50 trail/powder and I absolutly love it. I thought it was going to be a problem with the sliders getting snow or lug issues on the hard pack trails but after 5000 miles there is no issues and the track is just like new. 3000 miles were on the proaction skid and 2000 have been on a ZX2. I don't even run scratchers. My wife has a 1.25" on here attack, not sure what it is, but with the power it has it just spins on take off, where mine just launches. Would love to put one on it. Day and night difference in my sled and hers in the powder. In the deep powder of the lakes the backcountry performs execlent. Once this one is wore out I will be putting on another one. Sounds like you ride similar to me, so I would suggest the backcountry, you will not be dissapointed.
