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Intermittent lean condition

MOUNTY said:
I have learned that all gas is not the same, I seem so be a sucker for high octane and would fill up at a certain gas station whome would have 94 octane. When I fill up at this place, my fuel air ratio is all over the place and lean. If I fill up at any other place with 92 octane, my fuel air ratio is bang on to where it should be. I run 5-7Pds. of boost at any given time unless I go to the mountains.
Mabee try a different gas than your usual. I know we all have our favourite places to buy gas, but what is good for our sleds sometimes takes residence.
Hi Mounty good point there! I installed a push turbo on my 2010 MTX and in the accompnying notes was a warning about various additives in fuel drastically affecting the lean/rich variation while riding. Apparently there is one corporate station in Canada that sells pure, no additive fuel at 91 octane and there logo looks like a clam ;)! I run this fuel with about 20% race fuel @ 10lbs and above 3500' without issue
